[JeongChan] Notice My Love

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Rqsted by: spillthatea
I actually wrote this like a month ago but didn't like how it turned out so I deleted the whole thing and wrote it again.


Bang Chan (A/N: It auto corrected to Bank) is an alpha higher than the others. His pack ranked 5 in the Top 10 Noble packs in the country.

Chan is a black haired alpha (A/N: I love black haired Chan) who is next in line to be pank leader. His wolf form is big, almost as big as a fully grown horse. His fur all black and eyes a beautiful shade of crimson red.

That explains his popularity in school. Voted as the most handsome and popular in their school page. 3rd in best fashion. The 1st was Johnny Seo another alpha, and 2nd Hwang Hyunjin. (Jeongin thinks its because all Chan ever wore was black.)

Envied by unmated alphas. And loved by both omegas and betas.

That includes him.

Yang Jeongin.

19. A first year in Elementary Education Major in Preschool Education (A/N: I had to search what course does preschool teachers take.) and... A Beta.

It's not that he hates being a Beta. Being a beta doesn't put him in the spotlight like what happens to betas and alphas. He doesn't get heats. And a few more pros.

But of course there are a few cons.

He can't smell others scents unless he was mated. He wanted to atleast get a whiff of Chan's scent. And the scents of his friends especially Seungmin and Hyunjin who took the role of being his parents in school.

He won't be able to tell who his mate is.

He doesn't even know of betas can carry or give pups.

And one of the worst cons he can list is, he can't have a chance with Chan.

Chan is a noble alpha... ofcourse he'd choose an omega, a noble one maybe. The nobles are pretty... like really pretty even the male omegas are really pretty. Chan would choose one of those nobles since omegas are sure to carry...

So Jeongin is already content with the friendship they have at the moment.

Jisung a omega who was a mutual friend introduced them when Seungmin had convinced him to join them in the cafe for lunch.

Jeongin saw the way Chan's eyes sparkled, they way his smiled widened as they were introduced. And he just fell in love all over again. Since then they became friends.

He tried hiding his feelings. Burying his nose in his favorite book when the other was around, or just simply pretending to be busy. But Chan still talked to him. Trying to make small talks.

Sometimes he would see Seungmin playfully moving his eyebrows during lunch.

Chan would always sit beside him. And Seungmin right infront of him. Both will make sure that Jeongin eats and wont get too carried away reading his book.

He once saw Seungmin and Chan glaring at each other. Hyunjin would be laughing beside Seungmin shaking his head.

Chan would accompany him to class, carrying his books for him. After making sure Jeongin is inside the room, Chan would head over to the music room where he makes songs with Jisung and Changbin.

Chan had even helped him to fend off some unwanted admirers. He may be a beta but he's a cute beta. Or atleast thats what they told him.

It's just Chan being nice

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