1k Special

2.5K 31 5

Hey guys/gays! Thank you for reading this book! Thank you for all the support that I received. Everything is appreciated.

Since I reached 1k I wanna do something. 1st of all thank you for the 1k reads. I'm really happy. It's making my depression go away.

And for the special. Since I'm a MinSung trash, we'll be having a:

Q&A with MinSung!!!

Yehet! Ohorat!

Yes I know it's gonna be weird coz this is a one-shot book but who cares?

Go ask MinSung anything you like! If your question is connected to a specific story then just include the title.

Go and ask away my gays! I mean guys!



I won't be included because this is a MinSung. Let's do the q&a with the author next time.

Goodbye my gays!

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