Merry Christmas, Spider-Man

Start from the beginning

You: You two have a nice day.


You continue to swing through the city. A few blocks down, you spot a young boy crossing the street. Close by, a truck is speeding down the road about to hit him.

You quickly spring into action, and swing towards him. You grab him and land on the sidewalk as the truck speeds by. Bystanders look on as they witness the act.

You: Woah, kid! That was a close one wasn't it?

The boy looks up at you.

???: I didn't hear the truck. I'm sorry.

You: It's alright, little man. Just look both ways next time.

The boy nods, and looks at the road. He dropped some money, and it's soaked in the rain puddle.

???: I was going to buy my mom something for half my money is gone.

You look at the road and see the wet money, and then back at him.

You: You know what? How about you take me to that store and show me what you were going to get your mom?

???: Really?

You: Yeah. Let's go.

You begin walking with the boy.

You: So what's your name?

AJ: Alvin Jr., my parents call me AJ.

You: That's a cool name. Where are your parents?

AJ: They're both at work. My dad's a cop and my mom's a nurse. They left me with my uncle, but he went off to do something. I took the time to go out and buy something for my mom.

You: Okay....that's pretty bold of you.

AJ: I'm 9 years old, I can handle myself. Plus, I live like a block away from here.

The two of you enter a shop, and customers inside take notice of you. You give simple waves as AJ looks for the gift. He finds it and shows you it.

AJ: She's been looking at these for some time. I've noticed.

They were a pair of cozy slippers. The material was soft, you'd probably like a pair yourself.

AJ: It's 18 bucks. I only got $8 now.

You nod.

You: I can help. I think I got 10 dollars on me.

AJ: You don't have to.

You: Come on, I got it. Your mom needs a gift for handling a troublemaker like you.

You both chuckle, and make your way to the front desk.

Cashier: AJ! You're here with Spider-Man?

AJ: Yeah, pretty cool huh?

The cashier begins scanning the slippers. AJ and you pay for it.

Cashier: Mrs. Morales will love these. I'm sure of it.

AJ: I know she will.

The two of you walk out, and you look at AJ.

AJ: Thank you. You're the best.

You: No problem, AJ. Just remember to pay it forward.

He nods.

AJ: Merry Christmas, Spider-Man.

You: See you around, kid.


You swing away.


{Later That Day}

It was 7 PM. Clementine was at Sutton Square near Sutton Place Park. You told her to meet you there. It was pretty chilly, as Clementine wore about three layers of clothes to combat the winter weather.

As she sat at a bench, she noticed people looking back towards Queensboro bridge. Bystanders began pointing and were in awe of something. Clementine got up and began walking closer to the pier.

She saw the message on the side of the bridge. Using webbing, it spelled 'I Love You'.

Clementine was touched, and let out a small laugh as she began to tear up. There was only one person in New York City who that was meant for.

Moments later, you swing from out of nowhere and grab her. You take her onto the top of the bridge. You take off your mask as you look into her eyes and continue to hold her.

Clementine: ....Hey.

You smile.

You: Hey.

She chuckles

Clementine: A little much don't you think?

You: What do you mean? I thought it was romantic.

Clementine: The bridge where the Goblin almost killed us?

You: Oh....okay I didn't think that through.

She laughs, and kisses you.

Clementine: So what was your master plan for tonight?

You: This....

You look on in the distance, and see fireworks begin to shoot up from the park across the river. The view from up on the bridge was perfect.

Clementine: Wow....

You: I thought I should start the night with the firework show....then get dressed and take you to dinner afterwards.

Clementine: Get dressed?

You: Unless you want me to go like this.

Clementine: I think I'd rather see you in a nice button up aside from your suit for once.

You: Then I'll stop by the loft after this and pick that out.

Clementine places a hand on the side of your face.

Clementine: You're so sweet.

You smile and nod.

You: Merry Christmas, Clem.

She smiles, and the two of you kiss once more as the firework show continues.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now