...Comes Great Responsibilty

Start from the beginning

He quickly recovers and runs at you again, but you slide through his legs and kick him away after landing.

Bonesaw stumbles and falls near the ropes.

You start looking at the crowd, and begin noticing some people cheer for you. You smile under your mask.

Suddenly, Bonesaw hits you with a chair, which he must've gotten from one of his female helpers.

The hit sends you to the ground, and Bonesaw keeps hitting you with the chair as you try to get up.

Bonesaw throws the chair away, and pulls you up to throw you towards the corner of the ring. You hit the post.


You get up, but quickly see Bonesaw charging at you with a golf club.

You dodge his swing, and quickly grab the club and hit his face with it. You drop the club, and start punching him while he's in the dazed state.

You start to feel him going limp, in which you pick him up with your enhanced strength, and toss him out of the ring. He lands on a wooden table, and breaks it.

You've beaten Bonesaw.

The referee finishes the count near Bonesaw's unconscious body and runs over to you.

Referee: That's it! Winner!

He grabs your arm and raises it, which causes the crowd to cheer even louder.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the new champion...Spider-Man!

You're feeling exhilarated, and raise both your arms as the crowd starts chanting your name.


The promoter hands you a $100 bill, and continues to count his money.

You look at the $100 bill, then look back at the promoter, expecting him to give you the rest of the $1,000.

Promoter: Whatchu waiting for? Get outta here.

You: The ad said a grand.

Promoter: Look again, kid. The ad said one grand for three minutes, and you pinned Bonesaw in two. For that, I give you a hundred and you should be grateful.

You: I need that money!

Promoter: I missed the part where that's my problem.

You just stare at the promoter, feeling like you've been cheated. What's stopping you from pummeling this guy like you did Bonesaw?

You sigh, then walk out of the office. As you do, you pass by another man wearing a beanie who enters the promoter's office.

You make it to the elevator, and start calling it by pressing the button.

Then, you hear commotion coming from the promoter's office. The man you saw go in before then runs out of the office carrying a bag of money.

Promoter: Stop that guy!

A security guard comes out of the room and begins chasing the guy.

You could stop him, but you choose not to. Payback for the promoter cheating you out of your prize money.

The guy runs past you and into the elevator you just called. The doors start to close.

???: Thanks!

The doors shut completely and the security guard frantically tries to call the elevator again.

Security Guard: What the hell's the matter with you? You let him go!

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now