With Great Power...

Start from the beginning

You laugh at her joke. Then you remember her being there during the fight with Marlon.

You: Look, about what happened today at the gym...

Clementine: You sure knocked Marlon on his ass.

You shrug.

Clementine: Look, don't feel bad. He's an asshole. I think he might think twice now before messing with you again.

You: You're probably right.

You both stand there, in awkward silence after your statement.

Clementine: Well...it's getting late. Good night, Y/N.

You: Good night, Clem.

Not many people have called her Clem since she came to New York, and hearing it from you made her smile.

She then went back inside her house.

You stood there for a bit, smiling, before you went back into your house as well.


{Two Weeks Later}

It's been a couple weeks since you first got your powers.

You thought it was cool to have them. You didn't know what to do with them exactly, but it did make you feel much more confident.

Gym class used to suck, sports aren't really your strong suit. But now people recognized your energy and wanted you on their team. You still get good grades, you look fitter, and you even dress better. That newfound confidence even got you getting to know more people from your class.

Better yet, Marlon and Mitch haven't messed with you since the gym incident.

Louis: Um...earth to Y/N...hello?

You snap out of your thoughts and look at Louis, who was eating with you in the cafeteria.

You: Sorry.

Louis looked over his shoulder.

Louis: You looking at something?

You: Nah man, I was just in my thoughts.

Louis: It's Mr. Everett's project isn't it? Trust me, I don't think anybody knows about the Battle of Cedar Creek.

You laugh at his remark. You actually did know.

Clementine walks over to your table.

Clementine: Hey guys.

Louis: Hey, Clem.

She sits next to you.

Louis: Never got to ask, but why do you still wear that hat?  Can't you get like...a Mets hat or something?

Clementine: First of all...yuck...and second, my dad gave me this hat.

Louis stood silent for a bit.

Louis: ...you don't like the Mets?

Clementine: I'm from Georgia. Us Braves fans despise them.

You: I'm more surprised by the fact that the staff lets you wear that hat in school.

Clementine: I thought the same thing. Thankfully they're not assholes.

The three of you sat there for a bit, talking about the day, until Louis brought something up.

Louis: So, any of you have a date to homecoming?

That question seemed to suck the air out of you, but Clementine answered first.

Clementine: Haven't really thought about it. Besides, I've never been to one.

Louis: You're a junior! Are you saying you haven't been to your last two?

You just looked at Clementine as she began explaining.

Clementine: Nope. But...it would be nice this time around.

Louis gave you a look, then looked right back at Clementine.

Louis: So, what would be the dream homecoming for you?

Clementine: I don't know...it'll sound dumb.

You finally speak up after being silent for some time.

You: Go ahead, we don't judge.

Clementine: Back in Atlanta, I had a few friends who had their dates pick them up in limos, bring them flowers and stuff. They'd also show up to the dance elegantly and get the attention of those there. Freshman me thought that was amazing.

Louis: So...you want to show up like a princess?

Clementine: Shut up. That's not what I said.

The three of you began laughing.

Clementine: How about you, Y/N? Are you going to the dance?

You: Eh...maybe.

You honestly didn't know what to say.

Clementine was going to tell you something, but Brody showed up to the table.

Brody: Minerva wants the council in Ms. Holmes's office.

Clementine: Ugh. Alright.

She bid the two of you farewell, and walked away with Brody.

Louis: 'Eh...maybe'. Bro are you fucking serious?

You: What?

Louis: Clementine just told you her version of the perfect homecoming and you tell her you might go?

You: What do you want me to do?

Louis: First off...ask her to the damn dance. Then get a limo, and...I don't know keep being a gentleman from there.

You: A limo? Where am I going to get the money for that? Not to mention my suit, the flowers, and any other things I might need?

Louis: I'm not the one falling for Clem. You'll figure it out.

You chuckle.

You: Asshole.

Louis smiles as well.


You're at home. You are in your room thinking of how you were going to do this.

How were you going to make this the best homecoming for Clementine?

You didn't really have money. Your uncle and aunt surely didn't have the luxury to just splurge towards homecoming.

You look online, and try to find any odd jobs that can get you the money before homecoming, which was in less than three weeks.

As you're looking, you come across an ad.

N.Y.W.L Wrestling: Can you last 3 minutes in the ring? $1000 for the one who can! Amateurs Only!

One grand for three minutes sounded pretty good. You know your strength and abilities, you can beat any amateur in that ring. With that one grand, you could definitely make that homecoming memorable, and then some.

So that was that. You've made your decision.

You then scroll more down and read another line of text in the ad.

Colorful characters a must! Costumes required!

Looks like you better start getting to work.

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