What is the crew's favorite part of Christmas?

Start from the beginning

Flower: *glares at Percy*

Percy: Aw, she reminds me of a little Annabeth.

Flower: The slaughtering of your pillow pets will remind you of big Annabeth when she meets Octavian again.

Annabeth: I like this girl.

Flower: Of course you do, I’m the last child of Pan.  You can’t hate a flower girl.

Floret: Yes they can.

Flower: Who…

Floret: *disappears*

Annabeth: So, why is it that you come here?

Flower: I will be the one asking the questions here.  First question! “What is your favorite part of Christmas?”

Percy: Getting little mermaid costumes from Santa.  *cries* I grew out of last year’s!

Annabeth: My favorite part is telling people the story of Jesus, including the roles that the Greek gods played in the story.  Did you know that Nyx helped make the night darker, hoping to interfere with the journey?

Frank: I like putting the star on top of the tree.  We started a new tradition, every year I morph into a different animal to put the star on the tree.

Hazel: This year he was a giraffe.  He could hardly fit in the room.

Flower: I’m sure that was memorable, what is your favorite part of Christmas?

Hazel: Honey, I like making hot chocolate.

Me: That’s boring, how am I not surprised?

Hazel: You didn’t let me finish.  I like making hot chocolate really hot and watching people burn their tongue on it.

Me: That’s better.

Leo: I like drinking Hazel’s hot chocolate.

Frank: Excuse you?

Me: Oh gods, don’t start.  There are children around.

Hazel: I’m not sure what that might mean, but I think that Leo meant that he likes the hot chocolate that I make because I make it hot and he is hot.

Leo: Yeah, I’m so hot all da ladies must admit it.

Flower: You are gross.

Leo: No, you’re gross.  You’re the one with cooties.

Persassy: Don’t mess with my apprentice.  I had already taught her a few sassbacks so she is armed.  Don’t push it.

Leo: Lucky, Persassy refused to teach me his ways.

Flower: Maybe Persassy only likes people that have potential.

Persassy: *cries*  Flower, don’t say that.  That is a Level 92 sass level, you are supposed to be on level 28.  If you use too much sass in one sentence, my form may not be able to stand the sudden blast of sass.

Me: Jason, Piper!  I need y’all to join in.

Jason: I’m busy trying to ship Flower with someone, I can’t talk now.  *continues staring at Flower*

Flower: That’s not creepy at all…

Piper: *elbows Jason*  Tell her your favorite thing about Christmas.

Jason: The ships, the thousands of ships that set sail on that day.  I love figuring out which ones will sink the very next day and who will last for at least a year.

Piper: I like the sales, shopping is my favorite hobby.

Real Piper: What the Hades?  Why does everyone think I’m a shopaholic?

Piper: You know, Aphrodite is the goddess of love so I love being a princess of love alone with Jason.

Buford the Table: PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!

Real Piper: I’ve never said that, I’m not like that.

Piper: I wear really low neck lines.

Real Piper: When have I EVER done that?

Fangirl 823: I hate you Piper, you are such a smut.

Me: Shut up, I think that Piper is making a point.

Fangirl 923: What point?  That she is a smut?

Flower: I’m younger than most of y’all and even I know what she is saying!

Me: Exactly.  I just have to say this because I read about all the hate that Piper has been getting.  If you hate Piper, you aren’t hating the real Piper.  The real Piper is a lot like most of us, pretty on the outside and prettier inside, wants a dream guy, modest (I hope), etc.  Even though she said that Jason is cuter than Percy-

Percy: What a moment right there.

Persassy: When the Hades did she say that? She could never say that outloud without be bopping her upside the head so she must have wrote it or something.

Flower: Look guys!  I think that the burger is trying to talk!

Persassy: You are defending the wrong people.

Flower: I was referring to Octavian.

Octavian: I don’t even know why I’m here.

Flower: What is your favorite part of Christmas?

Octavian: Sorry little Greek, I don’t answer petty questions.

Flower: Oh.  *wipes off shoulders*  Let’s try this one more time.  *takes knife from knife drawer and smiles*  What is your favorite part of Christmas?

Octavian: Um…uh…LIVING!

Me: My favorite part of Christmas is watching Octavian try to get an explosion thing off of him.

Octavian: What?

Me: Yeah, I started the tradition this year.

*beep beep*

Octavian: *Runs off of ship*

Flower: *runs to edge of ship*

Hazel: So, sweetie, what is your favorite part of Christmas.

Flower: Watching Octavian fall do his death.

Me: Sorry, but Octavian seems to always come back to life.  If you want Octavian to stay dead, may the gods be ever in your favor (and get you a catapult for Christmas)

Percy: I'd prefer a Little Mermaid costume.

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