If you had to kill one Argo 2 member, who would it be?

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Me: Gods!  School is so time consuming!

Percy: I don’t see a problem with it.

Me: How could you not see a problem with it?  You hate school!

Percy: You are right about that.  I think your school should have longer school days so you won’t be able to come back and interrogate us!

Me: I am not interrogating y’all!

Leo: Oh really?  Then what is with the really bright light that you keep on shining on our faces?

Me: *looks at hand* Oh, that…

Piper: Are you okay?  Do you need a glass of nectar?

Me: Wouldn’t a glass of nectar kill me?

Piper: Maybe…I would still give you a glass if you would like.  It is very warm and moist, luscious flavors will swirl around your mouth-


Annabeth: Shut up seaweed brain.  You are interfering with our murder scheme.

Me: What?

Annabeth: Nothing.

Me: Y’all are trying to kill me?

Jason: Kinda.

Me: I thought what we had was real!  I can’t believe you would do this to me! *sobs*

Everyone: *shrugs*

Me: *wipes away crocodile tears* Gods you guys are mean.  Just for that, I will ask a very violent question that will hurt you a WHOLE LOT MORE than it is going to hurt me.

Leo: Hit me with your best shot! *flips hair*

Me: Gladly *aims and shoots hair tie*

'Leo: Ha!  You missed!

Me: Just for that, you are going to answer first.  This question is asked by mythlover440!

Annabeth: Yay! :D  Her questions aren’t going to get us in trouble or turn us against eachother!

Me: Lol, that was until now. >:)  MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Annabeth:  /:|

Me: “If you had to kill one Argo 2 member, who would it be?”

Annabeth: Good bye, peace.  We won’t see you for a while.

Me: Leo, you go first.

Questions For the Argo 2 CrewWhere stories live. Discover now