Who don't the characters do normal things?

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Me: Don’t worry!  I’m here!

Annabeth: Shouldn’t you be doing homework?  Or at school?

Me: Nerp. I skipped school.

Percy: Sky!  How dare you skip school?

Me: Jk, we all know that I won’t skip school.

Piper: Why wouldn’t you skip school?  Omg, you like school!!!

Me: NO!  SCHOOL COULD GO STUB IT’S TOE FOR ALL I CARE!  I have gone all middle school without absentness!  Why would I mess that up?

Percy: I still don’t get how you didn’t go to school.

Me: There was no school!

All of Wattpad: WHAT???

Me: Ikr.  I need to answer some questions. O.O

Piper: Why?

Me: I kinda haven’t answered them.  Some are from right before I went to school.  Sorry about that.

Random Fan: YOU FRICKEN FORGOT ABOUT ME!  *unfollows*

Me: What? D’:  I am so sorry!

Random Fan: YOU ARE JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS! *follows* *unfollows again*

Persassy: I think that was one of my students.

Chloe: I have come to take Nico for my own. (Not the one from Silenced.  This is a different Chloe so calm down.)

Persassy: Omgs, wat is up with all des grls coming to take meh Nico?

Me: When you are dating someone as hot as Nico…

Annabeth: Than why am I not having all these fangirls coming for Percy?  Is he not hot enough for them or something?

Me: They know better than to mess with you.

Percabeth Army: And they know that we will hunt them down.

Percy: So I’m not worth all the trouble?

Annabeth: You just aren’t someone to die for.

Percy: :(

Chloe: But Nico is worth it. :)

Persassy: Why don’t you learn from Nicole and leave?

Nicole: Oh no you didn’t.  I’m still here.

Persassy: Why can’t you just leave?  Like really, Nico is mine!

Nicole: I don’t care.

Persassy: grl plz u b getting on meh last nerve.

Nicole: This isn't about Nico!  I’ve come because you said you wanted me to step on a Lego and that is just harsh! >:(

Persassy: u were trying to take meh man!  What do u expect?


Octavian: You called?

Nicole: I made your name a curse word because it is an insult to be compared to you. :)

Octavian: I would be insulted, but the smile at the end made me happy so I’m just going to go back to Percy’s room and kill his new pillow pets.

Percy: What?

Octavian: Nothing. *stalks off*

Cali: He is not like that.

Me: …he just did it.  How is that not like him if he just did it?

Cali: Wow…just wow. *takes out knife and walks off to Percy’s room*

Persassy: Wait, where did meh bae go?


Piper: Where is Chloe?

Annabeth: I can’t believe that you guys don’t get what happened.

Percy: I know what happened!  Chloe obviously left from boredness and Nico left to do whatever he does.

Me: Yeah, let’s go with that.  Let’s just answer a question.


Me: This one is asked by RaeOfSunshine440

Annabeth: How long ago did you get this question?

Me: Too long. X’(

Hazel: Stop sobbing and ask the question.

Me: Fine.  “Who do none of the characters ever do normal things like brush their teeth?”

Annabeth: I brush my teeth, who else doesn’t?

Me: no comment.

Frank: *snickers* Everyone but Leo probably.

Leo: What makes that so funny?

Frank: Because you need fresh breathe if you are going to kiss someone.  You don’t have a girlfriend to kiss. :P

Leo: That’s just harsh.  Definitely considering that I haven’t done anything wrong to you.

Hazel: I found it funny.

Leo: :(

Persassy: It just gets better every time. :’D

Me: Okay than.  If you don’t want to comment a question, than you can just message me the question.  If you don’t want me to say who asked the question, than I won’t. :D

Annabeth: Why are you saying that?

Me: Because there are people that don’t want to have the spotlight shined on them.  If you ever get as off topic as I had this chapter, may the gods be ever in your favor.

Questions For the Argo 2 CrewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora