Who do they want out of camp?

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Me: I’m back to brighten your morning!

Percy: It’s too late!!!

Me: Oh well.  You should be up at 8:00am.

Percy: Sorry that fighting for the world is soooo tiring.  I will try to get up earlier. *sarcasm*

Me: Thank you for understanding.  I rolled the dice, not a six, so now it is time to ask a recentish question.  This one is from theboybehindthejokes

Leo: I don’t remember asking a question.

Me: It is a username…based off of you.

Leo: Bam!  I have people making usernames based off of me!  How about you Jason?

Jason: Well, there are so many Jasons in the world that no one would really know if it was based off of me.

JasonOfTheSkies: What about me?

Jason: BAM!  I’ve got a fangirl!

JasonOfTheSkies: …I’m a guy.

Jason: …nvm

Leo: What did my FANGIRL ask?

Me: She asked, “Who do the seven demigods want out of camp?”

Percy: Octavian.

Foggia: That problem…is flying somewhere.

Percy: I don’t get it.

Foggia: It’s okay.  The puns are quite…firing.

Percy: What?

Me: Okay, besides Octavian, who do you want out of camp?

Leo: Clarrsie.

Annabeth: We need her, she is a great leader when it comes to war.

Piper: Clarrsie.

Annabeth: Seriously?

Frank: Clarrsie.

Annabeth: Guys!  We need her in camp!

Clarrsie La Rue: PUNKS!  WAD YOU SAY!

Everyone: We said the Stolls!!!

Clarrsie La Rue: That’s what I thought.

Me: If you ever offend Clarrsie, may the gods be ever in your favor.

(Sorry it is kinda short, but I wanted to update this morning and I'm leaving for school about...10 minutes ago!)

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