What if Octavian had Superman powers?

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Me: So I started High School

Jade: I KNOW!

Me: and it's really boring

Jade: Because I'm not there!

Me: and I need to focus on my grades

Jade: Woah! Who are you?

Me: Jade, could you wait until

Jade: No!

Me: Ugh. Anyway, I might not update as often anymore since I'm in an advanced program

Jade: Which I still don't know how you got into it.

Me: Me either, I think their standards aren't too high.

Jade: And you barely update anyway.

Me: So I guess that you guys won't mind the change of plans!

Annabeth: We truly do NOT mind the plans. In fact, if you end your visits right now, we might be able to finish our quest!

Me: -_- I'm in my high school at the moment so I do not have the question book...so I'm just here until I think of a question that had been asked.

*Jeopardy music*

Me: Okay! I remember one question...I'm not going to word it perfectly so..."What would happen if Octavian had Superman powers?"

Annabeth: We'd be dead.

Percy: We kind of depend on Octavian's weak heritage to be stronger than him.

Nicole: Woah.

Chloe: Did he just...

Will: Yeah. He actually did.

Nicole: What did Nico ever see in you?

Annabeth: Seaweed brain, why must you insult a god every time you get the chance?

Persassy: Puh-lease. I can insult whoever the Hades I want.

Hades: Okay, I'm so done.

Persassy: Boy, you tryin' to talk da sass talk?

Hades: Child, I've invented the talk. *Sassy walk*

Persassy: You might be able to talk the talk, but you certainly can't walk the walk. *sassy walk*

Me: Who would ever want these moments to end?

Annabeth: Who would ever want these moments to continue? Sky, honestly, what has gotten into you?

Me: Life, Annabeth. I am full of life.

Jade: Nonsense, Sky. You are full of nonsense.

Me: Now that we have cleared the air, is there anyone that wants to inform us of what would happen if Octavian had gotten Superman powers?

Annabeth: If you must know, Octavian would use the laser beams to blow up the Argo II ship.

Leo: MY BABY! D':

Annabeth: Then he'd lead the Romans to war at Camp Half-Blood, which he'd easily find with his flying powers, and destroy the camp along with anyone in it.

Piper: At least Drew would go down with it.


Percy: We can't let that happen, since clearly no one else is NICO'S TYPE!

Annabeth: So we basically like the weak Octavian and if he were to gain Superman powers then we would all be dead.

Leo: What a happy ending.

Apollo: I was annoying Artemis when I heard that one of my children were weak because they were related to me, SO WHO SAID THAT?

Percy: Not me.

Apollo: Percy, I thought that we were like, bros.

Percy: I told you that I didn't say that!

Apollo: Please. The person that says "Not me" first is just about always the one that is guilty. Dude! WTF?

Hazel: What does "WTF" mean again?

Percy: It means "Where's The Food". And the food is in the kitchen. How about we have some apology nachos?

Apollo: As long as they're orange.

Percy: No, blue.

Apollo: Orange, you mean.

Percy: No way dude. Blue.

Apollo: I'm the god here.

Percy: I'm the demigod here and my daddy will have my back because he's always there for me.

Poseidon: You bet your swim trunks I am. *drenches Apollo in water*

Apollo: *runs out to fix hair*

Poseidon: Now for some victory nachos!

Percy: Of course you want them to be blue.

Poseidon: Good one son. Bring in some green nachos!

Percy: Dad!

Poseidon: I'm just kidding you. Make them blue.

Me: If you ever offend a god, fighting over the color of nachos, or if Octavian gets superman powers, may the gods be ever in your favor.

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