Salt and Ice Challenge

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Me: Do the salt and ice challenge.

Annabeth: Pardon?

Me: That's the question: do the salt and ice challenge.

Annabeth: That's not a question, that's a command.

Me: Well then. That's the command, do the salt and ice challenge.

Hazel: What is that?

Me: Side note to readers: DON'T do this. Please. Maybe for a second or so at max, but don't do it.

Annabeth: You're telling us to do something that you don't recommend anyone else to do.

Me: Yeah. The salt and ice challenge is when water is applied to skin, then salt is put on top, then pressure is applied on top by an ice cube.

Annabeth: Sounds like that would cause injuries like frostbite and burns.

Me: That's what makes it so fun!

Percy: I wanna try it!

Me: See? Your boyfriend wants to try it.

Annabeth: He also wants to become a mermaid and meet Ariel.

Percy: You want to become a world-famous architect.

Annabeth: Yeah, and that's possible.

Me: Let's end this argument before someone's ship sinks.

Percy: So can I do it?

Nico: *shakes head in corner, wondering why he ever liked Percy*

Me: Sure.  Crap, I forgot the materials at home.

Leo: We have all that stuff in the kitchen.  I'll get it.  *gets it*  *brings it back*

Annabeth: Why are you encouraging this?

Leo: Because if people get burned from ice and salt and I'm immune to burning, will I get hurt?

Annabeth: Yes, you will.

Leo: Hush, I want it to be a surprise.  *drops bag of ice and salt on floor*

Percy: Would I even get hurt?  I mean, it's practically salt water.

Annabeth: Yes.

Me: Only one way to find out!

Annabeth: Or you could save yourself time and pain and just listen to me.

Me: You are right, Annabeth.  We definitely should do our best to get the most accurate result by performing the experiment ourselves.

Annabeth: That's not at all what I said.

Me: *spits on Percy's arm*  *wipes spit on him*

Percy: *yanks arm back* what did you spit on me?

Me: Leo didn't bring any water, so I had to compromise.

Leo: You could've just said "Your royal hotness, you forgot the water" and I would've gotten it.  You don't have to spit on people.

Me: *Ignores him*  *applies salt*

Hazel: Why do you want to do this again?

Percy: Because it sounds fun.

Annabeth: Yeah, 2nd degree burns are the definition of fun.

Percy: See?  If Annabeth says that it's fun, it must be!

Me: *Applies ice*

Percy: It's not that bad--OH CRAP GET IT OFF GET IT OFF! *yanks arm away*  You monster.

Me: Hey, you literally asked for it.

Percy: You didn't say that it'd hurt. 

Me: I said that you'd get burned.

Percy: Yeah, but I didn't think that it'd hurt.

Annabeth: Seaweed brain.

Me: Okay, Leo.  It's your turn now!

Leo: That's right!  You can't burn me. *parades over to empty chair*  *puts arm on arm rest*  Bring it.

Me: *spits on Leo's arm*

Leo: Ew, again?

Me: I didn't have any water.  Again.  *rubs spit and then puts salt on*

Annabeth: Leo, before she puts the ice on, do you really think that you can handle the burn?

Leo: I AM THE BURN, BABE!--sorry Annabeth.  I meant, "I think I can, mam."

Me: *applies ice*

Leo: *hisses*  It's not that bad...

Percy: Wait for it--

Leo: AW HADES NAW! *jumps out of chair, rubbing arm*  No, that is no.  Aw.  Hades. Naw.

Me: Do you need some ice for that burn?

Leo: Ice is what started it in the first place!

Me: Anyone else want to give it a try?

Everyone: *shakes head*

Me: Ugh, you guys aren't any fun. If you ever decide to do the salt and ice challenge (Honestly, please don't.  It's not worth the pain, don't cave into peer pressure) may the gods be ever in your favor.



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