Reaper x Error~ Finding the truth.

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(This got the most votes so I'm doing this first. Prepare yourself for some drama and fluff! )

Error's POV:

Reaper and I sat in the antivoid talking about some random stuff neither of us really cared about. It was really just an excuse to spend more time with each other.

As we were chatting, Reaper went to more.... serious topic.
''How long have you lived here?'' He asked suddenly.
''Ever since I can remember.'' I answered half truthfully.

''Holly shit! How did you stand it in here?! I would have gone insane if I were you!'' he tried to sound jokingly but I could hear his concern for me.
''I never said I didn't go insane.'' I said boredly.

''Dude, that's dark as hell. And I literally been there before.'' Reaper replied. We sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke up again.
''How did you know Geno?'' Ahh there he goes again.

He asks this question every once in a while. I never gave him an answer before but... I think he deserves to know at least a little bit. Even if it's mostly a lie.

''We were... friends, I think. At least I thought of him as a friend, practically a brother I never had. I don't know what he thought of me.'' I say, trying to sound sad.

''I can understand. Even I'm not sure what he viewed me as. Was I a friend? An annoying bustard? A possible lover? Who knows?! Certainly not me!'' he laughed a bit at the end but... it was a broken laugh, not a genuine one I used to hear.

I let out a fake chuckle before speaking.
''Yeah. He was like that. A tsundere as some would say.'' I said dryly.
''I actually used to call him that.'' he said foundly.

''Really? Quite fitting nickname.'' it was hard to stand the foundness in his voice as he spoke of my past 'me'.
''Right?! And you know what? It first you as well!'' Reaper grinned.
''It does not!'' I yelped.
''Sure Glitchy.~'' he purred.

There were few seconds of silence before Reaper spoke again.
''Were you always here or did you use to live somewhere else?'' He asked.

''I don't know, honestly. I don't remember ever living somewhere else. But I like to think that I did. That I used to have a family, friends and maybe a lover, as well as my own AU. It's nice to think that I did but... even if that was true... it's all gone now.'' I lied, remembering all the time we spent together when I was still Geno. It's becoming more and more hurtful to lie to him.

There was again a moment of silence but this time I was the one to break it.
''Do you still love him?'' I asked, I wanted-no I need to know. He looked at me weirdly, he never directly said he loved him(me?) but even without my memories it wasn't hard to figure it out.

''Don't look at me like that. I'm not stupid, the way you talk about him, the foundness in your voice, it's obvious you loved him. I'm just not sure if you still do.'' I explained. He nodded his head, understanding, it took a while but he finally replied.

''I think so? I still feel the same about him but I also found someone new who I love too. But... I feel like I'm trying to replace him and I don't want that. Not just because of him but also because I don't want that person to think I don't really love them but rather a part of them that reminds me of him. If that makes sense.'' Reaper said, seemingly deep in thought.

''It does, kinda. Well at least it makes sense to me.'' I tried to reassure him. He smiled but didn't say anything more. We sat in comfortable silence for a while, neither of us wanting to break it but of course it couldn't stay like this forever.

'' *groan* I gotta go back to work. See ya Glitchy!'' He said as he opened up a portal.
''See ya and don't call me that!'' I yelled behind him. I only heard him chuckle before the portal closed and I was left alone again.

'What should I do?'

Reaper's POV:

I reaped a soul after soul not really paying attention to what I'm doing. I was thinking about my earlier conversation with Error. Something didn't seem right about it, I couldn't help but think he was hiding something from me.

And I was going to find out what.

~great time skip~

As I reaped the last soul for today and I'm still trying to figure out what Error could be hiding from me. It really bothered me but... I guess it can wait a little.

I opened a portal to the antivoid only to find it empty. 'Huh? He must have gone somewhere. Good thing I can sense his soul.' I focused on my magic trying to sense Error's familiar destructive aura and I did, kinda.

I sensed him in a Underfell copy, probably getting some chocolate but what disturbed me was that... his soul was pretty much like Geno's. Not in it was only a shard but the general feeling the structure so similar to Classic's but more twisted. The only difference between Error's and Geno's soul was that Error had a full soul and it was glitching.

And that got me wandering... How? No other Sans had so similar soul to Geno. Is this what he tried to hide from me? Could he be-? No he knew him he couldn't- Unless someone implied fake memories in him or he lied. Why would he lie?

Those questions circled in my mind yet no answers came to me, only more questions. As I was standing deep in thought I didn't notice Error's return.
''Ummm... Reaper? Are you okay?'' his glitchy voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

''Why is your soul so similar to Geno's?'' I asked, not answering his question.
''W-what do you mean?'' he stuttered looking away.
''I mean that when I tried to sense your soul to find you it felt practically identical to his. Only differences being it's whole soul and it's glitching.'' I answer, looking him dead in the eyes.

''I-i don't kno-'' ''BULLSHIT!'' I cut him off. He looks up at me with shaky eye lights and trembling slightly.
''Shit. Sorry, I didn't want to scare you.'' I said putting my hand on his cheek.

''I just want the truth Error.'' I whispered. He grabbed my hand with his own before answering.
''O-okay. I'll tell you the truth. J-just... promise you won't get mad at me.'' he said holding my hand tightly.
''I'll do my best and even if I do... you know I can't stay mad at you for long.'' I gave him a warm smile as I said that.

''I-I'm Geno. At first I really didn't remember that, I only remembered when you said mine(his?) name. I felt bad, for leaving you, for hurting you, for not believing in you. So I promised myself I would make it up to you not for him but for me, for Error.

I changed so much it's hard for me to think of Geno as myself I think of him more as someone that I used to know. And he's not coming back, he's dead. I'm him now? God it doesn't make any sense does it?'' He said as tears ran down his face.

''It does, kinda. Well at least it makes sense to me.'' I echoed his words form our earlier conversation. I used my thumb to clean his tears.
''And you know what? I love you, both of you. I love Geno, I love who you used to be. But I also love you Error, you successfully made me fall for you all over again. And now that I realised that I wasn't just trying to replace him, you, whatever.... It doesn't matter to me if you choose to be Geno or Error, both or neither,  because I love YOU. If that makes sense.'' I say before kissing his forehead.

''It kinda does.'' He laughed though tears.
''And I love you too, Reaper.'' He continued.
''Good to know.'' I chuckled.
'' 'Cause now I can do this.'' and without further ado I kissed him deeply.

Error kissed me back almost instantly, using his arms to hug my neck. I on the other hand hugged him around his waist with one arm and put the other on back of his head, bringing him even closer.

After a few minutes of love filled kiss we pulled apart, panting heavily. I put our foreheads together just enjoying his presence.
''I love you so fucking much.'' I whispered.
''Pfffhaha.. I love you too, dumbass.'' He whispered back.

I guess I found both my lost love and my new love.

(Done! Hope you enjoyed. Bye~)

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