Error x Reaper~ Sleepy discovery.

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(Requested by: QuristleDaPenguin. Fffffffllllluuuufffffffyyyyyy.)

Reaper's POV:

I walked through another portal, slowly sipping Starbucks coffee I managed to buy in between the souls I had to reap.
''Oh! Hi Reaper.'' I heard Error say as he shattered another monsters soul. I waved my hand in greeting before reaping the monster with my scythe.

''Rough night?'' He asked as he walked further into the AU.
''Yeah...'' I mumbled, sipping my coffee while leaning on my scythe as I walked.
''You need to take a break dude.'' he said, stringing up another monster.
''I know, I know...'' I mumble before reaping them as well.

We continued doing this for few minutes, talking to each other, him killing and me reaping. My coffee cup became empty all to soon as-
''Why the fuck are you helping him Reaper?!'' I heard Ink yell out of nowhere.

''Gahh! My head.'' I said, clinging my head at his loud volume.
''I'm not helping him Ink. I'm just doing my job.'' I groaned, still holding my head in my hand.

''And why aren't you stopping him?!'' he yelled again, making my headache worse.
''Stop fucking yelling. I have to do my job. If he isn't on my list I can't touch him.'' I grumbled supporting all my weight on my scythe.
''EXCUSES!'' as he yelled that I felt like my head was going to explode.

''Drop it squid. Can't you see you're making him feel worse.'' Error said much quieter, I looked at him thankfully.
''I feel no obligation to care about how that TRAITOR feels like!'' he yelled angrily before knocking the scythe form under my arm.

It all happened to fast for me to do anything, I fell sideways and landed on top of Error. And for a moment I didn't think what was doing or what just happened I was just... pissed.

I teleported right in front of Ink, my scythe back in my hand was hooked around my neck. I was floating few centimetres of the ground, my cloak floating around me giving of that mysterious/dangerous vibe. My usually invisible aura manifested as a black thick mist surrounding me, my eye sockets were void of emotion as I said:
''L E A V E.'' In a very dark and dangerous voice.

I saw as he trembled in fear before teleporting off. I slumped against my scythe again, turning around to check on Error. He was sitting on the ground clearly surprised before speaking up.
''That, was hot as fuck.'' he said boldly. I blushed at the comment before remembering something.

''Wait I landed on you... how are you not dead?'' I asked with white eyes.
''Oh... I guess not even death can kill me right, hehe.'' he joked. I smiled before kneeling down and hugging him.
''I always wanted to do this.'' I whispered before falling asleep.

~tiiiiimeeeee skiiiiiiiiiip~

I slowly stirred awake, looking around I saw that I was in the antivoid laying on Error's beanbag. 'Speaking of Error... where is he?' I asked myself looking around, my question was soon answered as I heard soft snoring.

I looked down to see his head laying on my chest as he cuddled me from the side. I smiled slightly before cuddling him back. 'This is nice...' I thought as I hugged him closer.

I don't know how long did we lay there but after quite some time he started to wake up. He looked up at me and blushed as he saw that I was already awake and looking down at him.

''I told your brother that you passed out during your job. He said that you're on forced vacation until you're not better.'' he mumbled after a moment.
''Huh... that's nice.'' I mumbled back.

''Aren't you gonna let me go?'' he asked surprised.
''No... you're comfy.'' I mumbled, nuzzuling his neck.
''Hahaha! That tickles!'' he half shouted.
''God you have a beautiful laugh.'' I say as I look him in the eyes.

He blushed and tried to look away but I held his head in place with my hand. He looked at me questioningly and squeaked in surprise as I kissed him. He softly kissed back after a few moments, which made me smile into the kiss.

We continued kissing each other for around a minute before we pulled apart.
''I love you.'' I say as I cares his cheek.
''I love you too, now go to sleep.'' he said as he hid his blushing face in my chest.

I chuckled quietly before doing as he said... This is nice...

(Hope you enjoyed.


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