Pray~ Second date and sleepover.

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(Requested by: Ryan07363. NootmareSansu asked for this as well. Part 2 to the last Pray one shot. Angst??? I think, fluff and bit of a lime like so little I'm not sure if it can still be classified as one.)

Cray's (It autocorected to Gray's lol) POV:

I pressed the knife closer to Goth's neck.
''Stay away from Palette.'' I hissed.
'' *Gasp*! Are you doing this for him?'' he asked excited.
''Umm... yes?'' I answered confused.
''Yasss! My ship!'' he exclaimed.

I was still looking at him confused but he quickly explained.
''Don't worry I don't like him that way. I also think you two would make a cute couple so I won't try to get in between.'' Goth explained, completely calm despite the fact that I still held the kind to his neck.

''Okay... thanks I guess.'' I said slowly putting my knife away.
''But I gotta tell you something.'' he whispered.
''What is it and why are you whispering? There's only the two of us here.'' I asked looking at him strangely.

''It creates the mood I guess but anyway... there's this guy from our school that always flits with Palette. Palette isn't interested in him but... I think you should still 'take care of him'... just in case.'' Goth explained.
''Who is it?'' I asked in a dark tone, both my eye lights blood red.

''His name is-

(Jooohn CEEENAAAA! Pfffhahaha! Okay I'm done)

Cupcake (Fell Goth).'' he said quietly.
''He's a dead man.'' I said, fuming with anger before teleporting off.

~time skip~

Palette's POV:

I was laying in bed, just resting, looking at my phone, having an existential crisis... the usual. Suddenly my phone rang with the unknown number calling me, and like an idiot I answered.

''Hello?'' I asked.
''Hey, is that you Palette?'' I heard Cray ask.
''Yup! Wait... how did you get my number?'' I asked surprised.
''Goth gave it to me. I was wondering if you'd like to come over my parents are out and I'm bored.'' he explained.

I blushed slightly, just me and him all alone in his house.
''Yeah, sure!'' I said.
''Great! Can't wait to see you.'' he said full of excitement.
''Bye.'' I said before hanging up.

Well I guess I better grab a few things.

~time skip~


was anxiously standing in front of Cray's door, a minute or two passed before I built up enough courage to knock.
''Heeey! Glad you're finally here. Come in.'' Cray said as he opened the door.

I walked into the house, leaving my shoes in the hallway. Then I followed him into the living room where he had a movie already set up.

''Think you can handle a horror?'' he asked as we sat down on a couch.
''Pffhaha! I eat horrors for breakfast!'' I fake laughed, I was scared shitless on the inside.
''Pffff... okay...'' he said dropping his arm around my shoulders.

I blushed lightly but just focused on the TV screen, hoping this wouldn't be to bad.
''AAAAAAAAAAA!'' I screamed as jump scare suddenly popped up on screen. I hugged Cray tightly, hiding my face in his chest.
''Hey, shhhhh... it's just a movie... you're okay...'' he whispered, pausing the movie before hugging me back.

''I-I know... I just-just have jump s-scares.'' I explained as I shook a bit.
''Okay, we can stay like this as long as you want.'' Cray said as he rubbed circles on my back. I melted into the affection, still shaking ever so slightly.
After quite some time I was calm, still resting in Cray's firm grip.
''I don't think I want to watch that movie anymore.'' I mumbled as I nuzzled his chest.
''Okay. *yawn* We should go to sleep, it's late.'' he said tiredly.

''B-but I didn't take any PJ's (ayyyy! 👉) I didn't think I would stay for the night.'' I squeaked in surprise.
''It's to late for you to go home. I'll just borrow you some of my clothes.'' he said as he slowly stood up.

He pulled me along with him but I still had some doubts.
''Where will I sleep? I'm pretty sure you have only one bed.'' I said shyly.
''We'll eather sleep together in my bed, or I'll sleep on the couch if you're uncomfortable.'' he said as we walked into his bed room.

''What?! No way! I'm not taking your bed from you! I'll just sleep on the couch-'' I started to say but suddenly I was pinned to the nearby wall with Cray looking down at me. There was a glint in his eye that I couldn't really name but it was hot as fuuuuuck.

''No. You're my guest. You don't want to take my bed from me? We'll sleep together. Is that clear?'' he said firmly. I just nodded dully, blushing madly at his voice.
''Good.'' he said before letting me go and going over to his closet.

After a moment he handed me some clothes before pointing at the door to the side.
''You can change in the bathroom.'' he said before going back to his closet.

I went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I pulled off my clothes and put on the ones that Cray gave me. They were a bit to big, the pants wouldn't stay on for more than few seconds and the t-shirt kept falling off my shoulder.

I decided to just sleep in the t-shirt and my underwear, walking out of the bathroom soon after. I blushed brightly as I saw Cray wearing just boxers.
''W-why are y-you ju-just in th-this?'' I stuttered out.

''Oh... I always sleep like that... why aren't you wearing pants?'' he asked after explaining.
''They were to big.'' I said simply. I awkwardly stumbled to the bed laying down next to him.

I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep but... I couldn't, I just felt like something was missing. That is until I felt Cray's strong arms hug me around my waist. He kissed my temple before whispering.

''I love you my sweet little treasure.'' after those words left his mouth I was out like a light.

Cray's POV:

I looked down at Palette's sleeping face as he cuddled me in his sleep. He was so cute, so precious, so mine. And that good for nothing Cupcake won't ever be able to take him away. After all... it's hard to do anything when you're dust.

(Hope you enjoyed!

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