Bad guys~ New recruit.

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(Part 3 mother trucker!)


3 person POV:

The bad guys were walking through Underlust, on their way to try make a new recruit. That recruit being Lust. They still didn't know if they would invite him to their relationship or just have him as a healer of the team.

But there was still a lot of time to wander, and besides they didn't even know if he would want to be a part of the team yet. There's not need to rush, after all, they have time.

Well that's what they thought as they strolled down the road to purple skeleton's house. They thought that until they heard a scream sounding much like the skeleton they were looking for.

The scream was filled with fear, terror and desperation. They knew something bad was happening so they ran in the direction they heard the voice come from.

Honestly they didn't care if it was actually Lust they were saving, they knew what this AU was like and they were disgusted by it. Even they, the most evil people in the multivese thought of what monsters here did to others as unacceptable and horrible. So they decided that no matter who it was, they were going to save them. They were determined to do so.

They, of course, knew Lust was different from the other residents of this AU. They were one of the few people who cared enough to know. They weren't exactly friends with him, but they weren't enemies either, they were just... neutral per say.

Anyway! They finally were getting closer to the place were the scream came from. And how did they know that? Well... there was the same voice as earlier but this time it was closer and... muffed? It sounded much more desperate and panicked as well.

They speed up their run, knowing that they didn't have much time. As they finally made it there, they were met by a horrific sight. A big dog monster was pinning down a crying and screaming skeleton that was thrashing around. The skeleton was gagged and his clothes were so torn they barely held together.

The gang was having none of it. Nightmare used his tentacles to throw the dog monster off the poor skeleton, throwing him against far away tree. He along with Dust, Killer and Horror went to 'take care' of him while Error and Cross went to check up on the poor skeleton.

Cross fiddled with the gag while Error used his strings to heal the skeleton and sew his clothes back together. The skeleton who they were now sure was Lust looked surprised, still a bit panicked but mostly relieved. His cries were now only quiet sniffles as he knew he was safe.... kinda.

I mean how could he feel completely safe around the most feared skeletons in the multivese? But... they saved him so... he certainly wasn't in danger. At least... he thinks so, he never knew what to think of them really. They were...  bit unpredictable.

'From one side they are the biggest threat of the multivese but from the other... They never attacked me, mistreated me and are almost friendly with me. Plus they just saved me. Maybe they're better than I thought?' He wandered.

The gag finally was off his mouth, which he was glad for. He closed and opened his mouth a few times to get used to it again.
''T-thanks.'' he finally spoke, shaking ever so slightly.
''It's nothing really. Nobody deserves to be treated like that.'' Cross spoke.

Lust blushed lightly and smiled at him, his shaking getting a bit worse.
''You're shaking.'' Error noticed.
''I-it's okay, I-'' Lust began but was cut off rather quickly.
''No it's not okay. You're cold and your clothes aren't really warm. I'm getting you a jacket.'' the glitchy skeleton said.

Before Lust could protest Error screamed on top of his lungs.
Said skeleton appeared next to them in a blink of an eye.
''Yes Glitchy?'' he asked.

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