Tag you're it.

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Well shit... I haven't done this before but eh... it won't hurt to try. Tagged by: TheChildOfAGroup.

1. I don't have a nickname.

2. Grey.

3. I'm blonde.

4. It's not something no one knows about, but some people were surprised when I told them so I'll add it.

I'm from Poland.

5. Blue.

6. Idk. Probably my home.

7. I don't really have a favourite celebrity, Chris Evan's is pretty cool tho.

8. I have a lot songs that I like but this is probably my favourite:

9. Cats and dogs. I like both equally.

10. All Percy Jackson and Harry Potter books.

The tagging won't work for some reason so I'll just say I tag anyone who's willing to do it.

Is that it? Huh cool.

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