Bad guys x Passive Nightmare~ Alternative 'Cuddle time'.

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(I saw that a few people wanted a part 2 so I made one. The pic on top is the closest I found to an actual ship pic, it's not perfect but at least it's something.)

Nightmare's POV:

I slowly woke up from my deep slumber, I was surrounded by something warm, it felt rather nice. I nuzzled that thing trying to remember what happened yesterday, or what I think was yesterday, I'm not sure how long I slept.

'I was in the kitchen... and when I walked out, there was water... I turned passive and panicked... and then...' My eyes snapped open and as I remember HOW I fell asleep. And sure enough I was still in that position, being hugged from all sides as my face was buried in Cross' fluffy hood.

''What the fuck...?'' I half whispered lifting my head up.
''Oh! you finally woke up!'' Killer said in excitement.
''Why the fuck are you all hugging me?'' I asked with a slight blush.

''After you panicked yesterday this was the only thing that calmed you down.'' started Dust.
''And then you fell asleep and we didn't want to move and wake you up.'' Error finished.
''Well... I'm neither panicking or asleep now so... what are you still doing here?'' I thought out loud.

''It's comfy and you're cute.'' Horror said boldly. I blushed harder and hid my face in Cross' hood again but it was to late they all saw it.
''Awww~ Is Nighty embarrassed?~'' Cross purred into my ear.

''Shut up. Just cuddle me.'' I said, blushing madly. They all chuckled before doing just that.
''I love you, you idiots.'' I mumbled.
''We love you too Nighty.'' they said in union.

I smiled softly, I really liked this.

(It's a short fluff but really fluffy fluff. Hope you enjoyed. Bye~)

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