Ink x Geno~ Colours of jealousy.

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(Requested by: OwO_Berries. It's a fluff and some drama.

Two one shots in one day? What is this witch craft???)

Ink's PV:

I was sitting in doodle sphere drawing someone special in my sketch pad. Someone special... my crush, Geno, he was very handsome in his own way and I adored that about him. His never changing and strong sense of self, his delicate yet frim body and-

My thoughts were cut short as my phone rang loudly in the silence surrounding me. I yellped in surprise before quickly getting it out of my pocket. Geno was calling... what a coincidence!

(Cough, cough Yeah... a coincidence cough, cough.)

''Hello,~'' I said after answering.
''Hey Ink, could you... come to my AU?'' he asked seemingly hesitant.
''Of course! Is there some sort of problem?'' I asked, he usually only called me when there was one, I frowned at that thought.

''No, I just wanted to hang out. Reaper doesn't like it when you're here so maybe he'll leave me alone for some time.'' He said with a huff. I smiled sadly, it's better than just being called to fix something but... still not what I would want.

''Sure! I'll be there in a moment.'' I said with fake cheerfull voice.
''Thanks Ink, it really means a lot. Bye.~'' and with that, he hung up. I sighed before swiping my paint brush, creating a portal to the Save Screen. With another sigh I walked in.

''Huh that was quick.'' I heard Geno say. He was laying on the ground his arms under his head acting as some kind of pillow.
''I wasn't really doing anything so I came here immediately. Also.... why is it so cold in here?'' I said rubbing my arms in hopes of warming myself up.

''The temperature is the same, you just forgot your scarf dummy.'' he said sitting up. I touched my neck and... yup! my scarf wasn't there.
''Heh... must have left it in doodle sphere.'' I said sheepishly as I sat next to him.

He stayed silent for a moment before putting his own scarf around my neck.
''Wha? Gen-'' I started but... ''Not a word.'' he cut me off before I could finish. I just send him a warm smile before nuzzuling his scarf.


''So Reaper is being annoying little shit again?'' I asked hoping to break the awkward silence.
''Ugh! Don't get me started! Unless you want me to go on an hour long rant?'' Geno groaned.

''I'm your friend, if you need to vent, I'm here to listen.'' I said smiling at him. He blushed lightly but quickly looked away.
''It's just that... he doesn't understand that I don't like him like that. And even when I tell him directly, he just says I'm being a 'tsundere' or whatever.'' Geno began to talk.

''He doesn't want to accept it.'' I said, half as a statement half as a question.
''Yeah! And when I tell him that I like someone else he gets all angry an possessive! Like dude! We're not dating! I don't even like you!''

''Man... that must be terrible. Wait... you like someone?'' I said trying not to sound heartbroken.
''Um... y-yeah...'' he said, blushing deeply.
''Did you tell them?'' as much as I'd hate to see him date someone else, I can't lose him as a friend. I can't lose him completely.

''N-no... I didn't tell him yet...'' Geno looked away as he said that.
''Then you should! The sooner you tell him the better.'' I tried to sound as supportive as I could.

''B-but... what if he doesn't love me back?'' he looked back at me with tears in his eyes.
''Then he's the most stupid person in the multivese.'' I smiled at him. Tears disappeared from his eyes as he laughed.

''But that spot is already taken by you.'' Geno said, laughing harder.
''Hey! Don't exaggerate (Did I write that right?) , I'm at 4th place max!'' I said jokingly. He laughed harder almost falling over and for a moment everything was good....


But then HE arrived. A huge rip like portal opened next to us, Reaper exiting it soon after. Geno's laughter died down as soon as he noticed his arrival.
''Oh... It's YOU...'' he said in a cold tone.

''Glad to see you missed me too.~'' Reaper said sweetly but then he turned his head to me a frown appearing on his face.
''What is HE doing here?'' he asked angrily.
''Hanging out with my friend.'' I answered for Geno, glaring daggers at Reaper.

''And why are you two sharing a scarf?'' he asked raising brow.
''He was cold and forgot his own.'' Geno explained.
''Well, you two already 'hung out' for long enough. He can leave.'' he said in a snarly tone.

''He, unlike you, was invited. So he isn't going anywhere.'' Geno growled as tension grew.
''I can come whenever the hell I want you're mine.'' he growled back.
''How many times do I have to repeat this to you?! I'm NOT your property!'' Geno yelled angrily.

''You're just tsun-'' before he could finish I cut him off.
''No, he's not. He may be shy and unsure of his feelings at times. But he doesn't hide them from the person they're aimed towards. He doesn't love you, so just accept it.'' I say shaking from anger, both my eye lights probably blood red by now.

''How would you kno-?'' Reaper starts but is cut off yet again but by Geno this time.
''BECAUSE HE LISTENS TO ME UNLIKE YOU ASSHOLE! AND YOU KNOW WHAT?!'' Geno yelled before grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and pulling me into the kiss.

I was surprised at first but kissed back rather quickly. He blushed a bit before pulling away and looking at Reaper leaving me absolutely stunned.
''HE is the one I love. So you can go fuck yourself since that's the only way you're gonna get any with that nasty attitude.'' his voice was cold but his eye light was burning with anger.

How did he become much hotter just now?

Cough, cough, anyway...

Reaper looked down, his hood casting a shadow over his eyes as he shook in what I assume is anger.
''Fine. Don't expect me to accept you when you come bagging for me to take you back.'' and with that he left.

''I'm sure I'll do just that.'' Geno said sarcastically. I would probably laugh at it if it weren't for a question that littered my mind.
''Did you really mean it?'' I asked, looking him in the eye.

He blushed deeply again and nodded, I smiled at him and brought him in for another kiss. He kissed back almost instantly, we hugged each other tightly staying like that for a few minutes.

We slowly pulled away from the kiss, looking deeply into each other's eyes.
''I love you Geno.''
''I love you too dummy.''

(Another job well done, at least I hope it is.

(Another job well done, at least I hope it is

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