Shitposts fill the air.

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(I have only one thing to say:


*flips la table.*

Ok I'm done.)


Dream: You're beautiful, sweet, talented, amazing, gorgeous, who in their right mind wouldn't like you?

*Killer really flustered*: SHUT UP! WHAT ARE THESE LIES?!


Horror: Hey, do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows into my mouth?

Nightmare: You're a hazard to society.

Dust: And a coward. Do twenty.


*they are teenagers*

Geno: Reaper do you want to get coffee sometime, maybe?

Reaper: Uh-ye-Yeah!?

Geno: Great! Um after school?

Reaper: Yeah after it is....Wait. You do mean that in a gay way right?

Geno: Yes, in a gay way.

Reaper: Full homo?

Geno: A full homosexual coffee date.


Ink: Hey Error, you look cute today!

Nightmare: Error looks cute everyday.

*Nightmare turns around and winks at Error making him blush.*


Cross: When I was small-

Killer: *snort* "was"


Blue: You're cute.

Dust: No l'm not.

Blue: Yes you are. You're adorable.

Dust: I'm taller than you, I'm just a pretty grown-up looking person overall, I haven't been called cute since I was really little. I'm not cute.

Blue: Well am I cute?

Dust: Yes. You're the cutest person ever.

Blue: How so?

Dust: Because you're just so small & lovable and so endearing to me and you make me so happy and I just want to care for you and make you feel as happy as you make me. You mean so much to me and I love looking at your face because it's the cutest face I've ever seen, because it's the face of the one I love.

Blue: Well, you're not small, but I could say the same right to you.

Dust: You think I'm endearing?

Blue: I think you're adorable.

Dust: Okay, fine, you win, only you can call me cute though.

Blue: Okay cutie!

Dust: *sigh*


Cross: *looks up at Nightmare*

Cross: Do you think I could climb you?

Nightmare: ...excuse me?


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