Shitpost | tsoptihS

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(Hi welcome to Chili's- I mean shitpost.)


Me: I dab purely to confuse people and make them cringe.

*proceeds to dab*

Every Sans in existence: Who the fuck is this and why is she dabbing?


Dream: Surely whatever deity makes us go through all that stuff has some kind of plan.

Me: I don't even have a plan to what I'll be doing in next few minutes.


Ink: Whatever will lead us through this shit at least we can be sure it's sane.

*Me writing/reading fanfics at 2 AM*: You have no idea who you're talking about.


*Reason 4383 why I don't ship Cream: *

Dream: Hey how are you?

Cross: Good and you?

Dream: Good... and you?

Cross: ...Good.

Dream: That's... good.

Cross: Yeah... good

Dream: Good...

*Because that's literally what I see every time they talk with each other.*


*Me in the middle of the night*: But what if Dust was gender fluid?


Me: Most of the time I have no idea what's going on in my life and I'm just winging it.

Me: It worked so far.

Killer: Same lol.


Killer: Can I say something that will probably annoy you?

Nightmare: Since when do you ask for permission?

Killer: True.


Error: When you hear weird noises at night simply make weirder noises to assert dominance.

*Me slamming my door and shattering my own glasses*: I'm the only supernatural force allowed in this house! SCREEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Error: And that crazy b is doing it right!


Me: Don't ask me tf I'm talking about. I don't know ok? I'm just a vessel. The message has been delivered. I've moved on.

McDonald employee: Miss you still have to repeat your order if you want to get it.

Me: I want a Happy Meal but Sad.


Horror: Do you have any fantasies

Dust currently a girl: I get my PhD so I can make reservations at fancy restaurants under "Dr. & Mrs." then when they expect a man to show up, my gay ass will stroll in instead: hot intellectual wife on my arm. She's wearing a cocktail dress & is also a doctor. Im smoking a Cuban cigar. their heteronormative wigs is snatched...

Killer: *Sigh* Dream goals.


Nightmare: What are you? Twelve?

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