Afterdeath~ New neighbor.

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(Requested by: xansvirus15. It's kinda an AU where they all live in a big city or something like that, idk if there is some sort of name for this but whatever. A bit angsty and then fluff.)

Geno's POV:

Another day of this pointless job, another day that I wouldn't get enough money to repay losing, another day like any other in this city.

The rain poured down heavily, leaving a thin layer of water on the street, soon falling into the sewers and being replaced by another drops. Of course I had to leave my parasol at home, the one day I don't bring it with myself it just had to rain... typical.

I let out a sigh, flipping the hood of my jacket over my head before stepping into the rain. My boots made small splashes as I walked through the sidewalk.

The world seemed to turn completely grey as I continued to walk to my apartment. Some would say the scenery was depressing and I could see why but... it was also calming.

The normally loud and crowded city turned into the ghost town at the very sight of the rain, and I loved it. I loved the quietness and beauty rain brought with itself even if it was just for a moment... even if it couldn't wash my problems and bad thoughts with itself.

I finally made it to my apartment block, it wasn't anything to bring awe but it was cheap, not cramped and well kept, it was enough for me. I pushed the door open, the usually grumpy guy from the second floor greated me with a smile, he liked the rain too.

''Nice weather eh?'' he asked as he pulled some mail out of his mail box.
''Yeah... it really is.'' I said, also checking my mailbox but finding it empty.
''I heard someone's finally moving into that empty apartment next to you.'' he said as we began to walk the stairs.

''Really? *sigh* I just hope he won't be as bad as the last one.'' I said having some nasty flashbacks.
''That would be quite hard. No one can be as bad or worse that the Big J.'' he said, stopping on his floor,  I had to go two more up.

''Tru. Have a good day.'' I said before continuing my journey upstairs. When I finally made it to my floor there was a guy in a black hoodie, clearly soaked so I guess the rain caught him unexpectedly. He was trying, and failing to open the door to the apartment next to me.

''These locks work really bad when it's raining, you gotta put more force into it.'' I said as I passed the shorter skeleton to get to my door. He yelped in surprise as he turned around to look at me.

(Am I making Reaper a sub? Perhaps.)

I was awestruck by his eye sockets, one was completely pitch black and the other had a deep azure eye light, shaped like an iris.
''God you scared me.'' he said as he clutched the front of his hoodie.
''But thanks.'' he said, giving me a big smile.

I smiled back before turning back to my door, I unlocked mine quickly since I had practice. It took him few tries but he unlocked his as well.
''Bravo! You now know how to unlock your door.'' I said as I clapped my hands lightly a few times.

''Oh shut up.'' he said pulling out his tongue.
''Whatever, I'm Geno, your totally awesome and absolutely tired neighbor.'' I said as I extended my hand for a handshake.
''The name's Reaper.'' he said as he took my hand gently.

''I hope will get along.'' he said as he shook our hands.
''I hope so too.''


I groaned tiredly as I stumbled up the stairs, my boss made me work over time again and I was exhausted. I barely managed to get my key into the key hole when I finally arrived at my door.

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