Dustberry~ Not so innocent

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(I was going to write something Valentine's day themed but it didn't really work out. Other than that enjoy this fluff and Blue breaking the fourth wall a lot.)

Blue's POV:

I just finished training with Alphys and I as fucking tired. What you didn't expect me to curse? Well surprise I can and I fucking do. At least when no one is around.

But you know what it's tiring so keep having to pretend sweet little innocent and completely oblivious Blueberry. Bleh... I feel like vomiting just thinking about it. I really need to get out of my AU or I'll go bad shit crazy.

Anyway I was going to take a walk and maybe yell at some trees to calm down. But it seamed like the author had other plans for me.

Out of nowhere something or should I say someone attacked me. I of course dodged but it only angered me further. The person who attacked me was wearing typical Classic sans clothes but with their hud up so couldn't really see their face. The only thing I could see where the eyes one red and blue the other just red just by seeing those eyes I knew who it was.

''Knock it the fuck out Dust! I'm not in the mood to deal with you!'' for a second he looked surprised but he quickly pulled himself together and... laughed?
''Pfffhahahhahahaa! Who would have thought little Blueberry can curse?!'' I rolled my eye lights at this remark.

''The hell do you want?!'' I asked completely dropping the act.
''At first I wanted some easy exp. but you got me interested. Now I really want to se what you can do.''
''Pffha! Bring it up Dusty.~'' I said as he prepared to attack.

~time skip 'cus I can write fighting~

Both of us were panting, I was on top of Dust pining him to the ground.
''Not... to bad... little Blue.~'' he said breathing heavily.
''Thanks... you to... Dusty.~'' I said back.
''Just one thing you may wanna correct.~''
''Wha-?'' suddenly he flipped us over so he was on top of me.
''Never let your guard down.~'' he purred.

I smiled and laughed a little.
''What's so funny?'' he asked confused.
''Haha'' I leaned forward so our faces were inches apart. ''You shouldn't either.'' I kissed him right after. He was so shocked that he didn't even fight back as I flipped us over again. As I pulled away he was a blushing mess.
''I'll see you around Dusty.~'' with that said I walked away leaving him flustered in the snow.

Dust's thoughts:

'Holy shit did that really just happened?'

'Did he really just-?'

'And then-?'


'But I gotta admit he's one hell of a good kisser.'

'Wait but I'm a dom I should be the one kissing him not the other way around!'

'Why did I like it so much?'

'Why do I what him to do that again?'

'Aaaagghhhhhhh! Can someone kill me please?!'

(Happy Valentine's day for you all. Bye~)

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