???~ Forget about me

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(I lack inspiration so I'll rewrite something I wrote a bit ago [didn't post it on wattpad tho]. Photo above is just some random drawing that I found on pinterest and think it fits this one shot. Also this is a bit angsty.)

Forget about me 'cus I'm not someone really worth remembering.

Forget about me, I know you want to.

Forget about me 'cus I'm no longer myself.

Forget about me 'cus you'll never see me again.

Forget about us 'cus we will never be together again.

Forget about our love 'cus it died long time ago.

Forget about everything you believe in 'cus your faith is false.

Forget about truth 'cus you only know how to lie.

Forget about bliss 'cus you only know pain.

Forget about happiness 'cus you only know sadness and regret.

Forget about what you know, maybe you'll be able to live again.

Forget about the past, it hurt you after all.

Forget about time, you have so much after all.

Forget about death, your so young after all.

No! Don't forget about the past. It formed you into who you are now!

Don't forget about time, you'll never know when you will ran out of if!

Don't forget about death you'll never know when it will come!

Don't forget about any of it, it may hurt but it's important. These things made you who you are and you are amazing! So please remember it all!

Please don't forget about me.

(Please don't ask even I'm not sure Wtf is that supposed to be)

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