Errorberry~ A story to tell.

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(Part 2 to 'Hewwo?'. A lot of people asked for this so... here you go! I would have done it even if no one asked for it lol.)

Error's POV:

''Horror you need to stop.'' I said as the small skeleton attempted to eat his own foot. He just looked me right in the eyes before continuing to chew on it. I was about to give up, after all I tried to make him stop for past half an hour but nothing worked.

''Biscut?'' Dust suddenly spoke up, shoving a biscuit in my face.
''No, thank you Dust.'' I said before I got an idea.
''But I think Horror may want it.'' I said with a smile. He smiled back before going over to Horror.
''Biscuit?'' he said repeating the same action he did to me.

Horror let go of the foot he was keeping in his mouth, taking the biscuit and munching on it happily. I smiled and sighed in relief, picking him up and sitting him in my lap.

''Oh! You finally got him to stop?'' Blue asked coming out from the kitchen.
''With a bit of help.'' I said as I gestured to Dust who was eating  his own biscuit.
''That's good. I'm almost done with the food.'' Blue smiled before going back into the kitchen.

''Stowy!'' I heard Killer yell from the make shift crib.
''Story? Umm... what story do you want?'' I asked.
''Stowy!'' Killer repeated.
''That... doesn't answer my question.'' I said.

''Eh, whatever.'' I mumbled before being the story.
''There once was a princess, she was rich, pretty and kind but she was oh so very sad.'' I began, Cross and Killer looked at me from the crib, Horror stared up at me waiting for me to continue and Dust stopped eating the biscuit, completely focused on the story.

''She cried a lot because of her sadness, so much that her cheeks were forever stained with tear marks.'' I continued.
''Why was she so sad?'' Ink asked, suddenly coming into the room, Dream and Nightmare trailing behind him. The twins sat on eather side of me while Ink sat next to Dust.

''She believed she would never find true love. That people would love her for her riches and looks, not because of who she really is.'' I explained.
''What happened next?'' Nightmare asked tugging on my sleeve.

''The poor princess got worse, her parents tried to help but nothing worked. And one day, a group of bandits kidnapped her!'' I said earning few gasps from the group of kids.

''Her beautiful face was covered with dirt, her hair covered with filth, and her expensive dress so torn and dirty it looked like a rag.'' I continued.
''B-but she was okay... right?'' Dust asked tearfully.

''Not at first but one day, her saviour arrived! A knight in a shining armour! A prince from far away kingdom. He killed the bandits and took the poor princess with him to travel.'' I said, pretending to swing a sword once I talked about the bandits.

''It took few days for them to arrive in the nearest village and thought that time the young prince fell in love with her, he didn't care that she was dirty and poor. He loved her because she was kind and wise. So a day before they arrived in the village he asked for her hand in marriage.''

''What was princess answer?'' asked Dream.
''Well... she herself fell in love with the prince and when he proposed she knew it wasn't for her pretty looks for they were hidden with dirt or the riches he didn't know she had. She knew he loved her for who she is so... she accepted.'' as I said that a happy squeaks erupted around the room and one of the smaller kids started to clap.

''When they finally made it to the village they found a tavern to sleep in. The princess got some clean clothes and took a bath. When she came out the prince almost thought she was a different person!'' I said earning a few giggles.

'' 'You are just as beautiful as your personality.' he said. 'But what made you so sad for your cheeks to forever have stains?' he asked as rubbed her cheek. 'I thought I would never find love, not the true one at least. For all my past admirers loved me for my beauty or riches.' she explained.

'None of those matter to me, for my love was born before I could have knew. I love you for you kindness for your charm and your wise ways.' he said before kissing her sweetly. And the princess kissed him back and for the first time her cheeks were stained with tears of happiness.'' I finished.

''That's a really nice story.'' I suddenly heard from the kitchen.
''Come on kids, food is ready.'' Blue said, the older kids immediately going to the kitchen. I blushed madly from embarrassed, slowly standing up with Horror in my arms.

''I really enjoyed hearing your story... princess.~'' he purred, whispering the last word. He gave me a quick kiss before taking Cross and Killer to the kitchen. I was just starting there, dumbfounded, probably blushing so hard I put the sun to shame.

A smile slowly made it's way onto my face as I walked into the kitchen. This sure will be an interesting story to tell later.

(Hope y'all enjoyed. I'll probably go back to posting one story per day from now on. Bye~)

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