Errorfresh~ One last time.

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(Angst, angst and even more angst. Warnings: bullying, abuse, depression, suicide. You've bean warned.)

Error's POV:

Today I went to school. One last time.

Got to the locker to take my books and got loked inside. One last time.

My only friend, Fresh, set me free. One last time.

Again someone dumped their lunch on me. One last time.

Fresh helped me clean up. One last time.

After school I ran trying to avoid another beating, didn't work. One last time.

Fresh saved me. One last time.

Finally got to home just for my drunk father to do his own damage. One last time.

Loked myself in the bathroom to cut my wrists. One last time.

Waited for my father to fall asleep, but not to eat, to finally be free.

Tied some rope into noose, attached it to the ceiling.

Wrote short letter to say goodbye to my only friend. One last time.

Stood on the stool, noose around my neck.

Looked out the window to see the sunset. One last time.

I took deep breath. One last time.

And kicked the stool from under me.

Today I die. Today I set myself free.

Today I saw my only friend, my only reason to live...


Fresh's POV:
I was walking to Error, he had a bad day today so figured that I could go to his house and cheer him up. I knocked on the door and waited. His father was the one to open, he didn't seem happy.

''What do you want?'' he asked harshly.
''I came to spend some time with Error 'cus he seemed a little down earlier.'' I said holding back my lingo not wanting to anger him further.
''He's in his room.'' he said walking back to the living room.

I came to Error's door, and knocked to let him know I'm coming in. As I opened the door I had some bad filling, but decided to ignore it.

I shouldn't have.

There was Error hanging from th noose, limp, pale, DEAD. 'Nononono that can't be true' I think as I cut the rope with my bone attack. I catch Error before he hits the ground but... it's true he's already dusting in my hands. Soon I'm only holding a pile of dust and a scarf.

Tears were streaming from my eyes as I hugged his scarf. It's not fair. But life never is... I look around the room to see if he left someone kind of note some kind of explanation. And there it was on his desk, an envelope labelled: 'To Fresh'.

I opened it and read it.
'Dear Fresh, I'm sorry I didn't this to you but I couldn't take all of this abuse. Both in school and at home. You were the only thing that kept me going but... after some time it wasn't enough. Don't blame yourself thought it was not your fault. You were the only light in my miserable life, but a candle can't light up the void. You kept me going for so long, so don't blame yourself for what I did. You did all you could and it was more than enough. I'm just happy that I got to see you one last time.

Love you

Tears created waterfalls on my face.
''You're wrong my friend I could have done so much more... I'm sorry... Goodbye, love you to.'' With that I said goodbye to him.


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