Crerror~ Whiteness of the void.

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(I saw this ship somewhere and I really liked it, so I decided to write something about it. It's a bit angsty at first but it gets fluffy later on.)

3 person POV:

Error knew how it felt to be locked away in white emptiness of the void. Without anyone to talk to, without anything to do, without sleep, without anything to eat, yet unable to die, just you and never ending white. It could drive anyone insane... he could tell from experience.

But how would he react if he found someone who's suffering just like him? Locked away, alone, betrayed? Would he help them? Or would he just end their suffering?

Let's find out, shall we?

Error's POV:

It was tiring: destroy some AU's, get beaten up by Star Sluts, come back to my place of torture that I  was forced to call my home to heal and maybe rest a little, repeat. It's an never ending circle.

I just got back from one of those meaningless fights with Ink, healing slowly, trying to tune out the voices. I was tired from it all. 'Maybe I should go to some AU and take a little break from this whiteness?'' I asked myself. 'Yeah that sounds like a plan.'

'But what AU could I go to? Underswap? No, Carrot (US Papyrus) would attack me as soon as he'll see me. Outertale? No, Ink knows I like to go there so he probably set up some traps. Hmm.... maybe I'll just go to some random AU? Eh... not the best idea but the only one that I have.'

I finished healing myself and opened a random portal. The voices suddenly got even louder, yelling at me not to go, to stay where I belong. They weren't really convincing me to stay, they probably encouraged me more to step through the portal, closing it immediately.

It took a few steps into the AU before stopping to look around. I almost thought I was still in the antivoid because of all the white, but they were two things that assured me that I wasn't there anymore. One there weren't any voices here, and two a small black and white figure curled up not to far from me.

The figure had it's back turned to me so I couldn't tell how did they look  like or what gender they were. All I could tell was they were crying. I felt... sympathy for the smaller one. I knew exactly how it felt to be locked away alone with nothing but endless white to accompany you.

I slowly made my way to them and crouched down next to them, I didn't touch them both because of my haphephobia and because I didn't want to scare them.
''Are you alright?'' I asked softly. They shot up and turned around to face me.

Now that I could see the-no his face I was surprised on how cute he looked. He had big eye lights one white and other red. Under one eye socket he had a red zigzag scar. Even though purple tears were still streaming down his face and his eyes were puffy from crying, this was certainly the prettiest skeleton I've ever seen.

The monochrome skeleton looked at me kinda shocked before he spoke in raspy yet still kinda soft voice.
''G-great. I'm actually g-going insane.'' I look at him wandering what was he talking about before it hit me.
''Listen here the only insane person here is me. Now answer my question.'' I said kinda annoyed that he thought I wasn't real.

''And how am I s-supposed to know that you're not lying l-like him. And I'm a-actually insane?'' oreo asked, he didn't seem to trust me one bit.
''Okay first off I don't know who 'he' is but he's probably an asshole. Secondly... *sigh* just touch my hand, if you're insane and I'm not real you won't be able to. But if I'm real you'll do it.'' I said calmly stretching my handout for him to grab. Honestly I kinda understand why he doesn't trust me, after all I've been through it all myself.

The small skeleton looked at me weirdly before he grabbed my hand. He seamed surprised when he actually was able to grab it.
''Y-your real!'' he said smiling through tears.
''Duh that's what I'm trying to prove to you since I got here. Now will yo-'' before I could end my sentence the skeleton hugged me tightly.

''You're real! You're real! You're real! You're real!-'' he kept repeating that phrase as if I would disappear if he stopped. His tears were soaking my hoodie but I was more focused on the fact that my haphephobia didn't act up at all. I decided that I'll take care of that later, the small oreo needed comfort more than I needed answers.

I hugged him back rubbing circles on his back, that seamed to calm him down a little.
''Yeah I'm real. I'm here. You're not alone. You're okay. Shhh...'' I said softly calming him further.

After few minutes he was finally calm and didn't cry anymore, which for some reason made me happy, I don't know why.
''Hey do you have a name?'' I asked trying not to make him cry again.
''Cross. You?'' was all he said. Cross huh? It fits him.
''Error.'' I said simply.

''Alright Cross can you tell me something about yourself? Or why is something as beautiful as you locked in a place like this?'' I asked and he blushed at my complement.
''This u-used to be my AU b-before something bad happened and i-it got destroyed.'' he said, his voice still a bit raspy.

''Can you tell me who is that asshole 'he' you talked about earlier?'' I needed to know whose (is that right?) ass I'll have to kick for hurting him.
''I-ink. He promised he w-would fix my AU and keep me c-company until he's done but then he just left me w-without a word.'' he said, tears started pooling (is that the right word?) in corners of his eyes again.

''*sigh* I'm not even surprised that squid face would do something like that. Don't cry because of him, that asshat isn't worth your tears.'' I said trying to calm him again. He laughed softly at my words.
''Y-yeah you're right *yawn*.'' he said trying to keep hi eyes open.

''Heh... you're tired go to sleep.'' I said chuckling.
''Nuuuu I don't *yawn* want to.'' he whined out.
''Come on sleep. I'll stay right here.'' I said closing my own eyes, also feeling tired.
''You p-promise?'' he said almost asleep.
''Promise.'' I said smiling faintly. I was going to keep that promise no matter what.


They were brought together by the whiteness of the void.

(That's actually rather good, I'm a bit proud of myself. Anyway hope you enjoyed this one shot. Bye~)

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