Errorberry~ Chaotic confession.

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(There was quite a few good suggestions for this one but most of them I could make a whole book out of so I'll stick with what LaunchSteinward suggested.)

3 person POV:

Relationship between Error and Blue was... complicated. Maybe not the relationship itself but more what others thought it was.

The Star Sanses thought they were somewhat enemies. After all Error kidnapped Blue and killed everyone in his AU. And although the skeleton was forgiving they doubted he would forgive THAT. They were wrong.

The bad guys, who were closer to the two, thought they were friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Helping each other through hard times or hanging out just for fun. They weren't that far off.

And the two themes, they thought of the other as their crush. They first met when Error kidnapped Blue, the energetic skeleton quickly realised they weren't that different.

Because although he had a lot of friends he always felt lonely, like they weren't really there. And Error was lonely as well, in more obvious way of course, that being one of the reasons why he kidnapped Blue.

At first the glitchy skeleton didn't believe someone with so many friends could be lonely but..... as he spent more time with him, he noticed, he was wrong.

The familiar glint in his eye he often saw in his own eyes, his tone always happy yet so sad. Error realised that in order to be lonely you don't have to be alone, just like Blue. When he accepted that, they became great friends quickly.

And just as quickly it turned into love. Neither of them confessed yet, Blue because of his brother and Error because of his insecurities. But soon... this would change.

Blue's POV:

What's up guys? I'm the narrator now and-


Technical difficulties please stand by.


Alright, alright I won't do that again, Jesus.

As I was going to say before I got interrupted by technical difficulties, and totally not being yelled at by the author. I'm planning to confess to one of cutest, if not the cutest, skeletons in the multivese, Error.

We were going to meet up in the woods of my AU but my brother wouldn't leave me alone.
''Papyrus, I have to go. I told my friend I would come and I don't want to keep them hanging.'' I said in a desperate tone.

''Why can't I just come with ya?'' he asked kinda suspicious.
''It's a private matter!'' I yelled, avoiding the topic.
''What's so 'private' about meeting a friend?!'' he shouted back.

I looked down and decided to try and use one last trick.
''I'm going to confess to him...'' I whispered trying to sound shy.
''Wait, what?'' my brother asked surprised.
''I have a crush on them and I was planning to confess today. If you'd come, it would be awkward.'' I whispered a bit louder and fiddled with my gloves.

He looked down on me and smiled.
''Why didn't you tell me sooner?'' he asked much calmly.
''I didn't know how to mention the topic. And I kinda wanted it to be a surprise.'' I half lied.

He sighed heavily before giving me a head noggin.
''Alright. Go there and score yourself a date bro.'' He said smiling.
''Of course I will. Mweh-heh-he!'' I say trying to sound confident even though I was filled with doubt.

I ran of after that, going to a place where I set up a picnic for me and Error earlier. Finding my crush already there.
''Sorry I'm late. Carrot wouldn't leave me alone.'' I huff, catching my breath after the run.
''Don't worry I understand.'' he said looking back at me, smiling.

I smile back and sit next to him.
''So what do you want to eat first.'' I say looking through the picnic basket.
''Chocolate.'' He replied simply.
''Pffffhehehe I should have seen that coming.'' I laugh, pulling two chocolate bars out of the basket.

We both started to munch on our bars, I was trying to figure out a good way to mention the topic. 'Eh... Fuck it.' I think to myself. I finish the bar and turn to face Error.

''I have something to tell you.'' I say trying not to chicken the fuck out. He turns his head and nods, giving me his full attention, well at least most of it since he's still eating.

''I-I.... I LOVE YOU ERROR!'' I yell hiding my face in my hands. I don't hear the response for a moment... 'Oh God I screwed this up. I shouldn't have said anythin-' My thoughts are cut short as I feel him touch my hands, that were still cowering my cheeks.

''I love you too Blue.'' he whispers, smiling at me again. I smile back at him, this was probably the happiest moment of my life. We both lean in, almost kissing each other and we probably would if not.....

''WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?'' my brother who appeared out of nowhere. We tear our gazes from each other, staring in shock at him. I quickly got over my surprise and got up, somehow picking Error up bridal style.

''Sorry, but this is my boyfriend now.'' I say before giving Error a quick kiss and running off. That was.... chaotic don't you think?

(I fucking love writing fourth wall breakers, it's THE best. Anyway I think I'll end this one shot... for now.

This is the comment that this was based on BDW. Bye~)

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