Nightmare x Classic~ Happy I got to know you.

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(Requested by: iwovemoipuppers)

3 person POV:

Classic was... unusual. Not by his appearance though, after all every other Sans was based on it. It was his personality and view of the world.

Where the others only spared a glance at someone and already formed an opinion on them, he looked deeper than that. He actually tried to know someone before forming an opinion on them.

Which brings us to this situation. Classic casually sitting on Bad guys couch and drinking ketchup. All while Nightmare's gang looked at him bit weirded out but also curious.

''So maybe I'll break the ice... Why are you here and how did you get in?'' asked the lider of the group.
''I teleported in and I wanted to talk to you all. Get to know ya and stuff like that.'' Classic said lazily.

''And why exactly would you want to know us?'' Nightmare asked again.
''You seem interesting, plus I never really got to know you and I want to have a true picture of who you are.''

''Why don't you ask 'good Sanses' then?'' goopy skeleton asked.
''Speaking the truth? I never truly trusted everything they said about you. And after I learned that Blue is yandere for Dust I completely stopped trusting what they said about people.''

''Wait! Blue is what for me now?'' Dust asked.
''Fine, not like we have anything better to do.'' Nightmare finally agreed, completely ignoring Dust, he sat down right next to Classic.
''Just please don't take all day.'' He quickly added.

''Alright! Ok first of all... Error why do you destroy?'' Classic asked after a moment of thought. Oh boi were they all in for a ride.

~glorious time skip~

It had been a few weeks since Classic decided to get to know the gang. And he did not regret it at all. He meted a completely different side of them.

He met childish, chocolate loving Cross and Error that should totally start dating each other. Prankster that didn't take anything seriously, Killer.

A Dust that was really smart and asked deep philosophical questions one second. And next he was wandering if he could smash a whole watermelon with his head (he couldn't if you were curious).

Horror who was surprisingly good cook and took some things a bit to literally. He was also quite found of certain purple skeleton.

And Nightmare? He was absolutely amazing to Classic! He was calm and collected but could turn into killing machine within few seconds if he got angry.

And yet his self control was incredible. Classic saw more than once how he stopped himself from attacking one of his teammates (mainly Killer) after they did something stupid.

The king of nightmares somehow made himself a special place in Classic's heart. One would say he had a crush on negative skeleton.

And Classic knew that fair and square, he didn't try to deny it nor hide it. In all honesty Nightmare was probably the only one who didn't know about Classic's crush on him.

And that's only because he was in denial. Nightmare didn't believe he was lovable in any way shape or form.

He himself liked Classic more than a friend but like I said, he believed his feelings would never be returned. And neither did Classic.

Oh how wrong were they...


Classic's POV:

I was hanging out with Cross and Error in living room of Nightmare's castle. We were all watching Undernovela and they were snuggling closely and sharing a blanket. Basically being a cute couple they officially weren't.

''Just kiss already!'' I shouted after a moment. They both blushed before Error smirked and gave Cross a peek on the lips.
''Now you have to do the same with Nightmare.~'' Error said in a teasing tone.

''Excuse me? When did I agree to that?'' I asked shocked.
''You didn't. But we all know you want to.~'' Error replied.
''Hehe I mean you're not wrong.'' I laughed slightly.

''What's so funny?'' Nightmare asked as he walked into the room.
''N-nothing!'' I squeaked.
''Come on Classic! You can tell me.'' he replied leaning on the couch the I sat on.
''It was just something that happened on the show.'' I lied.

Nightmare was about to say something but then he got pushed on top of me. He quickly put his hands on eather side of me head so he wouldn't crush me.

A bit to late for that, Heh... I leaned on my elbows to try and see who pushed him. But that just made me come a bit to close o his face and almost kiss him. Like I seriously could feel his breath on my mouth.

I blushed furiously as I noticed this. Just a small movement could make us kiss right now. I think he noticed this to because he blushed just as bright as me.

I'm not sure who did the next move. Did I lean in or did he? Or maybe someone pushed him again? It didn't matter to me really. All that mattered at the moment was that me and Nightmare were kissing.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. At first he was shocked but soon he wrapped his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss.

I could hear Error and Cross cheering in the background but honestly I didn't care. The fact that I was here kissing my crush and he was kissing back was the most important thing right now. It was a dream come true.

We slowly pulled back, gasping for air.
''I love you.'' I whispered.
''I love you too.'' he whispered back and leaned down for another kiss.

I'm so happy I got to know him.

(Hope you like it and sorry it took so long to make. Bye~)

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