Crossmare~ Battlefield.

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(3013 words... all because I couldn't fall asleep and came up with an awesome plot... and because I wanted to test how realistically I could write it... yea.)

??? POV:

I close my eyes and see myself standing in the middle of battlefield.

The wind flows through my shoulder length white hair, a small smear of blood on my cheek. Is it mine or somebody else's? I don't know, you can never tell when it's war.

I begin walk over corpses of fallen soldiers. Allies? Enemies? You can't tell, my armour isn't similar to eather.

I walk over them, feeling only one emotion: anger. This needs to stop, and it needs to stop now.

On the side of the battlefield stands a big tent in which the kings are discussing right now.

They are the cause of this, and they are the only ones that can stop this slaughter.

That's where I'm going.

In front of the tent, sit the remaining soldiers, some looking sadly at their fallen comrades, some patching up the injured.

Few cast me a curious glance but ignore me otherwise.

I throw the curtain that serves as the door to the tent to the side.
''This needs to stop.'' I say as I glare at the reasons this happened, the two kings.

''You don't know what you're talking about, you are but a simple soldier.'' The bright king says, his long bright bond hair tied in a braid. The dark king is silent.

''I know, and I know it better than you.'' I say, my voice shaking with held back anger as tears prick the corners of my eyes.

''From the beginning, I saw thousands of innocent lifes being taken away, thousands of futures being ruined. Citizens, workers, villages, soldiers. All off them felt the blade of war before they died.''

''And I, from the beginning, tried to save as many as I could, I evacuated cities, I protected the villages, I fought for the life of the innocent.''

''But I am but a one human. I can't save everyone, and I know better than you that this needs to stop.'' I finished, my harsh gaze locked on the king of the light.

''He's right brother.'' the king of darkness finally spoke up, making me turn to him.
''This war has been going on for two long.''

''Tomorrow, we will meet in this very battlefield and fight, whoever wins, will win the war as well. No more death, no more destruction, we'll settle this once and for all.'' he said in a deep and calm voice, his bright blue eye stared at the other king tiredly.

His other eye was covered in bandages, black ebony hair cut unevenly at his shoulder blades. His expensive clothes tattered and ripped, some bandages sticking out from under them.

He fought alongside his soldiers unlike the other one who observed and commanded from afar. I've seen it all.

''Very well brother.'' the light king said with an mischievous smirk.
''I hope you're ready to lose.''
''In your dreams.'' the dark king replied. And with that they left, it will all end tomorrow.


In the middle of the ring made of soldiers stood two kings, two reasons of this hell, about to end it all with one fight.

Both of them were wielding a staff, one was ended with crescent of the moon while the other had sun on the end.

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