Nightmare x Ccino~ Life sucks but at least I have you.

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(Because it's a cute ship and I like it. A lot of angst and then lesbian fluff. They be humans bdw.)

3 person POV:

Nightmare hated his life. He hated his abusive mother, he hated his brother because she actually treated him right because he refused to acknowledge her abuse towards him. And what he hated the most his body.

He felt like a stranger in it, like it didn't belong to him, didn't fit him... because he wanted to be her. She wished and prayed but she couldn't, even though her mind belonged to a woman her body didn't.

And she couldn't tell anyone eather, her mother would kick her out literally and figuratively, her brother would alien him out even more than she already does. She would get bullied even more than she already was.

And what would her only friend do? Would she abandon her? No... she couldn't risk that.

So she just pushed through, doing everything she could to get at least a little closer to that she wanted to be. Growing her hair as long as her mother let her, which was a bit above her shoulders, and from time to time sneaking out of her house in a dress and make up.

When she did that, she felt an ounce of happiness for once in her life. She knew it wasn't what she really wanted but... it had to do for now.

But doing it also made her sad, made her depression much worse. It gave her a taste of happiness she thought she'd never fully have.

It made her want to end it...

In more than one meaning.

She wanted to die but she also wanted to break down the closet's door and proudly announce who she really is.

But the second option wouldn't happen any time soon.

And the first one was more and more tempting with each day.


Nightmare's POV:

I was walking to school, my brother walking alongside me, we didn't talk even when I asked him something he just ignored me. I sighed giving up on trying to arrange in conversation.

I was wearing my usual outfit, black hoodie, black skin tight Jean's with some holes and glans. My hair was tied in a pony tail and my bangs were covering my left eye since my mother bruised it few days ago.

When we crossed the school gates Dream immediately went off to his friends, no goodbye or anything like that.
''Love you to.'' I mumbled sarcastically.

I walked through crowdy corridors to get my stuff from my locker. 'I hope they won't be there today.' I thought as I came closer.

Sadly my hope was thrown out the window as I saw few of them near my locker as usual.
''Hey goth freak.~'' one of them purred as I unlocked the padlock on my locker.

''What do you want?'' I asked coldly.
''No need to give us the cold shoulder. We just want to play with you as usual.'' outer one responded.

''Well, I'm not in the mood for that so could you leave me the fuck alone?'' I asked as I took my stuff from my locker, closing it afterwards.

Then my head was slammed against it.
''Listen here you weirdo. We don't care if you're in the mood or not. You're getting your ass kicked.'' the third one said as a crowd began to form around us.

I just sighed in defeat, it was bound to happen anyway.

I was dropped to the floor.

'Why do I keep going?'

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