Ds Dreamberry~ I love you too.

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(Requested by: Hefjhgugfvihsg. Angst and then fluff)

Dream's POV:

I stared at the paper work before me, checking if everything was right before I moved on to the next one.
''Oh Dream~!'' I heard Blue say as he entered my office.
''What do you want?'' I asked sharply, I don't like it when my work is interrupted.

''You've been working for so long I began missing you. Besides you need a break.'' he said as he sat on my desk.
''Can't I'm busy.'' I said, taking the next paper.
''But-'' ''No but's!'' I cut him off quickly, not even looking up.

''... okay.'' he said, his voice full of sadness. I realised that I might have been to mean to him and turned to him to apologise but he was already gone.

Oh well.... I'll just apologise to him later.


Blue's POV:

I teleported to my room collapsing against the wall in tears.

'Why does he keep doing this? Am I really that much of a nuisance? Does he not love me anymore?'

Those questions swirled in my mind making me cry harder as I fell to the floor.

'I just don't understand, if I annoy him so much why doesn't he leave me? Why keep me hoping for the impossible? Why keep me hoping that he will one day love me as much as I love him?'

I continued to cry as I laid on the floor, questioning everything I know. And eventually, I fell asleep.


Dream's POV:

I put away the last slip of paper I needed to fill and stood up.

Time to find my beloved and apologise.

I walked out of my office and headed towards his room trying to find the right words to apologise. I was never good with that... as well as few other things.

I stopped at his door and took a deep breath, I still didn't know that to say but... I'll figure it out. I knocked.



I knocked again.



''Blue I'm going in.'' I said sternly.



At least that's what I thought at the first glance.

Then I saw him laying curled up on the floor, his back against the wall.

I thought that he was dead.

I rushed to his side in panic but.... he was just asleep.

Breathing gently, looking so calm.... the only thing that didn't fit that were the tear marks on his skull, still wet.

Oh... oh no.

Did... did I do that? Did I really... did I really make him cry?

I gently lifted his head and set it on my lap as some kind of pillow. I covered him up with one of my wings to keep him warm.

I could try to move him to bed but... he's a very light sleeper and he needs to rest. At least he'll be more comfortable now.


Blue's POV:

I slowly stirred awake feeling something warm around me as well as something soft under my head. I was confused, I'm pretty sure I didn't drag any pillows or blankets to the floor with me.

I opened my eyes to see a soft glow from a gold wing. Ah... that explains it.

''Good morning my dear.'' I heard him say softly.
''Morning.'' I said, my voice a bit raspy.
''Blue I... I wanted to apologise.'' he said out of blue.

''What for?'' I said confused, after all... it was all my fault, wasn't it?
''For yelling at you, for making you feel bad, for making you cry, for... just for everything in general.'' he said as he looked away from me.

''It's okay, it's not your-'' ''But it is.'' I began to say but he cut me off.
''It's all my fault... I'm a shitty boyfriend... why do you even put up with me?'' Dream asked as few tears ran down his cheeks.

''Hey, don't say that.'' I said sitting up quickly, I cupped his chin in my hand gently. ''Yeah you have your flaws but... I still love you... I'll love you no matter what.'' I said gently.

''I love you too.'' he said before hugging me tightly. I smiled before hugging him back, it's the first time he actually said it back.

Maybe... maybe we'll be able work things out... together.

(Hope you enjoyed.


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