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(Very random but also very cute pic above. Lust is gonna be Nightmare's gang member 'cus I said so. Also: Fluff!)

3 person POV:
Bringing a cat to the castle might have been a mistake on Nightmare's side. Considering that he had on his team many problematic individuals. Like Killer and Dust who would kill anything for exp. Or Horror who would probably try to eat the animal. Also Error and Lust who were afraid anything and everything would try and hurt them. The only person, besides him, who wouldn't have any problems with that cat would be Cross.

But Nightmare didn't care to much about that he got a cat as some kind of therapy animal for his boyfriend Error to help him with his fear of being touched.

He wasn't surprised with gangs reactions when he brought the animal. He was only surprised by Lust who seamed be fall in love, with this cat, at the first sight. And of course there was Error...

''Get that thing away from me.'' glitchy skeleton yelled from the top of the fridge.
''Error it's just a cat'' Nightmare tried to calm his boyfriend down. The cat chose this moment to meow.
''Nope. That's a demon. I'm not getting any closer to this.''
'' *sigh* well I got him for you. So could you at least name him so we won't have to call him 'cat' all the time?''

''Fine, fine... Spot?''
''I'm guessing I won't be able to get any better from you so fine. Spot it is.''

Nightmare's POV:
It's been few weeks since we got Spot and Error finally warmed up to him. He still avoids touching him but at least he doesn't freak out the second he sees that cat.

I was walking through the castle heading to the living room. I was planning to watch some TV but all my plans were forgotten as I saw Error.

He was laying on the couch, nothing weird with that right? Yeah that's what I thought until I noticed... Spot was laying on his chest.

''Hi Error. If you don't mind me asking how was Spot able to drag you into this situation?''
''Well I was laying on the couch and he came here and fucking jumped on my chest. At first I wanted to push him of but he started vibrating. I didn't know what that ment but I rathered rather risk it. And now his asleep on my chest and I don't have a heart to move him off me.''

''Wow... ok so first of that 'vibrating' he did earlier is called purring. Cats do it when they're happy. And second off I'm proud you managed to last this long with Spot laying on you.''
''They do it when they're happy? How can I make him do it more?''
''You can pet him.''
''How do I do that?''

An idea formed in my head and I smirked.
''I could show you.''
''Please do.'' Error said unaware of my intentions. My smirk widened as I started to slowly pet his skull. Error teased up at first but soon started purring loudly.
''Now do the same to the cat.'' I said still petting his head.

Error followed my order and soon cat also started purring. This went on for quite a bit me petting Error, Error petting Spot as they both purred loudly.

But it all ended as my little Glitchy's eyelinds started to close. The hend he was using to pet the cat slowly stopped. His breathing evened out and his body relaxed as he fell asleep. He lightly kissed his forehead.
''Goodnight my little Kitty.'' I said before walking out of the room to let him rest.

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