Horrordust~ Burning love.

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(Requested by: 404Elerror. This is a lime bdw.)

Dust's POV:

I was just chilling in my bed, reading a random book when the door bursted open.
''Ohhh~ Dusty.~'' Horror sang.
''What do you want baka?'' I huffed looking up from the book.

''I'm bored and-'' he said simply.
''It sure sounds like it's your problem.'' I cut him off.
''I wanted to make a bet with you.~'' he purred.

I looked at him suspiciously before asking.
''What kind of bet?'' a big Cheshire cat smile appeared on his face when he realised I was considering it.

''Hmm... how about...'' he said pulling out something out of his pocket. ''Who can eat the most chilly peppers?'' He asked showing me a plastic bag full of chilly peppers.

''And the loser has to...?'' I asked curiously, I'm pretty sure I could handle quite a few of these.
''The loser has to do whatever the winner wants for the day. Tomorrow thought since I don't we'd be able to do anything after so much spice.'' he said with a wicked grin.

I thought about it for a moment before giving Horror the answer.
''Deal.'' his smile widened before he opened the bag, placing it in between us. He pulled out one of the hot red peppers, me following suit.

''Cheers!'' he said jokingly.
''May the best one win.'' I said  clicking our peppers together as if they were wine glasses. We both laughed before eating this little spawn of Satan.

My mouth was instantly filled with burning sensation but I swallowed that mother fucker like a man.
''Damn *cough cough* they're strong.'' I said talking another.

''Ready to give up yet?'' he said, not looking as affected as I was.
''Hell no!'' I yelled eating the second pepper, him doing the same soon.

The burning in my mouth was becoming insufferable after the 5th pepper but I wasn't about to give up. That is until...
''You know what this is boring. Let's step up the game.'' Horror said grabbing like 5 peppers and eating them all at the same time.

I looked at him in shock.
''I give up.'' I rasped out. ''I already feel like I'm dying so there's no way I'll be able to do that.''  I said in defeat.

''Yeeey!'' Horror cheered.
''I'm gonna try and get that spice of my tongue now. See you tomorrow I guess.'' I said leaving my room. Tomorrow sure will be interesting.

~super time skip to the next day~

Dust's POV:

I slowly woke up from my peaceful slumber, hearing shouts coming from downstairs. I lazily stood up and put on some clothes before leaving my room to have some breakfast.

As I walked through the hallways I remembered yesterday's events. 'I just hope Horror won't make me do something stupid... and let me have some coffee first.' I thought to myself as I walked into the kitchen.

I was met with usual morning chaos. Nightmare was sitting grumpily over half empty cup of coffee while Killer played the knife game for whatever reason. Error sat on the ceiling eating on chocolate and Cross did the same on the kitchen counter while Horror absently chewed on his leg.

''Hey Dust?'' Horror asked, stopping his munching for a moment.
''Before you ask, yes I remember. I just want some coffee and breakfast first.'' I said tiredly, turning on the coffee machine.
''Fair enough.'' he responded bluntly before going back to biting Cross' leg.

The others looked at us strangely and not long after one of them decided to ask.
''Care to explain?''
''No, I don't 'care'.'' I said sipping coffee from my mug and going to the fridge.

''Then start 'carring' we want answers.'' Nightmare said finishing his own coffee.
''Me and Horror had a bet, I lost, end of the story.'' I said grabbing a muffin that for some reason was in the fridge.

''Yeah, that sounds like something you would do.'' Error said snickering.
''Whatever.'' I growled before eating my breakfast. For some time it was kinda quiet but not for long.

As soon as I finished eating and started to leave Horror appeared by my side I flinched slightly but kept going. We were both walking through the hallways in silence before I decided to speak up.
''So... what do you want me to do Hor-?'' ''Master.'' he cut me off before I could finish.

''What?'' I asked shocked.
''You're gonna call me 'master' today.'' he explained.
'' *sigh* What do you want me to do master.'' venom laced the last word I said, though it still made me blush.

''We're gonna go to my room.'' he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him.
''Whatever.'' I said with fake boredom. We arrived at Horror's room rather soon, he opened the door and pulled me inside with him.

The door was slammed shut as soon as we entered and I got pinned against it.
''W-what are y-you d-doing?'' I stuttered while blushing furiously.
''Shhhh~ You'll see soon enough.~'' he purred in response.

He started to lick my neck right after, I moaned softly at the action but I guess it wasn't good enough for him. He started to grind his knee against my pelvis which drew louder moans from me.

That's when I realised what he wanted to do. I can't say I didn't want it to, he was my crush after all. I used my arms to hug his neck, bringing him closer to mine which he started nibbling on. I started to grind back against his knee to, summoning my ectobody at the same time.

My moaning grew louder as I did that and he clearly noticed. He pulled away from my neck before speaking.
''Someone's needy.~'' he purred.
''S-shut ahhhh up and f-fu-ahhh-ck me b-baka.'' I said through moans.

''Wrong name Sweetheart.~'' he growled in my nonexistent ear.

(I hope y'all enjoyed this.

(I hope y'all enjoyed this

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