Blue x Killer~ My dearest fr-love.

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(Requested by: Fallen_Pumpkin99. Fluff.)

Blue's POV:

Me and Killer were walking through Candytale, holding hands so we wouldn't get lost in the huge world.

We started hanging out a while back when I accidentally met him at Bittytale cooing at how adorable everyone there was. We instantly clicked together, our love for cute stuff as well as ability to kick anyone's ass making as great friends.

The others didn't know about it of course. I mean, they freaked the fuck out when they learned I cursed, how would they react if they knew I was hanging out with enemy?

They didn't need to know.... for now.

''Look!'' Killer said suddenly. ''Chocolate bunny!'' he said as he pointed at small animal that was made out of chocolate, a small red ribbon tied in a bow around it's neck.

''Awww!'' I said as I saw the cute animal. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw something yellow move in the bushes but when I looked there it was gone.

Huh... maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me?


''Blue?'' I jumped up as someone said my name out of nowhere. I turned around and saw Dream standing in the kitchen's doorway.
''Gosh Dream you scared me.'' I said before turning back to the vegetables I was cutting.

''Oh... sorry. I just wanted to ask you something.'' he said awkwardly.
''What is it Dream?'' I asked curious.

''Are you dating Killer?'' as those words left his mouth knife fell from my hand, clattering loudly against the counter top.

''W-where did that question come from?'' I asked nervously, turning my head to look at him.
''I saw you and him in Candytale a while back holding hands and generally looking like you were on a date so... I thought I'd ask.'' he explained as he scratched his neck awkwardly.

Crap, so I did see something in the bushes back there, it was him. What am I supposed to say? I don't think I can tell him the truth...

''Y-yeah...'' I said out of panic.
''Why didn't you tell us?''Dream asked clearly confused.
''I- umm I was scared that you wouldn't approve... and that you'd try to keep us away from each other.'' I said, sprinkling in some truth into my lie.

''Oh Blue...'' Dream said before pulling me into a hug. ''We would never do that, you don't choose who you love and we respect that.'' he said as he rubbed my back, probably wanting to comfort me.

''T-thanks.'' I said. ''Don't tell anyone okay. I... I'd prefer to do it myself if I have to.'' I said as he slowly pulled away from me.

''Okay. But tell Ink as soon as you can... maybe it'll finally convince him to sing the treaty and you won't have to date in secret anymore!'' he said with a cheerful smile.

''Okay... I- I need to go to the bathroom really quick. I'll be right back.'' I said before rushing out of the kitchen.

'I fucked up.' I taped into my phone before sending the massage to Killer as I walked into the bathroom.

Stabby-Mcstab: Whatever you did I'm sure it's not too bad. Dream saw using Candytale and asked if we were dating. I panicked and said we were.

Stabby-Mcstab: ....Okay you did fuck up. And now he wants me to tell everyone (especially Ink) and hopefully sign a treaty so 'we won't have to date in secret!

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