Is that the shitpost I see?

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(I'm just gonna say that I'm lazy so I will be referring to Passive Nightmare as Passive. Let's gooo!)


Killer: Hey Nightmare I'm gonna go to the store you want me to get you anything?

Nightmare: My will to live.

Killer: Error is at antivoid but I can pick him up on my way back if you want.


*Passive calls Dream telling that he has a bad injury*

Dream: I'll be there as fast as possible, so apply pressure to the wound and try not to move around to much.

Passive: It's okay! The weight of the rubble crashing my body is pressing on my wound AND preventing me from moving  at all!

Dream: Nightmare.

Dream: Brother.

Dream: We really need to work on your definition of what's 'Okay'.


*Horror puts salt in coffee and gives it to Lust*

*Lust drinks it all*

Horror: ...Didn't the coffee taste weird?

Lust: Yeah but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it.

*Horror tearing up*: Okay.


Horror: Hey Lust you want some tea?

Lust: Yeah. *chugs the whole cup of tea at once*

Horror: So much for always knowing when someone is trying to trick you.

Lust: Oh I know it's poisoned I just didn't want to make you feel bad.

Horror: ........

Horror: Let me find a cure, I'm keeping you.


*Cross wearing some oversized hoodie and it looks like he doesn't have anything underneath*

Nightmare: Umm... Cross are you wearing anything under that?

*Cross slowly pulls up the hoodie to reveal booty shots*: Of course why wouldn't I?

*Nightmare blushing*: N-no reason


Blue: So my Spanish teacher has a bunch of piñatas hanging in her classroom. And she told us that one year a group of students kidnapped spongebob piñata and sand her a ransome note in spanish demanding krabby patties. Then they filmed themselves burning it in bonfire like they were preferring some sort of satanic ritual.

Blue: And if that isn't the perfect role model I don't know what is.


Passive: Hey are you ok?

Error: Yes, why?

Passive: I just thought it must have hurt when you fell from heaven.~

Error: No. I'm sorry I climbed up my way form hell.

*Passive after a moment of silence*:  Oh so that's why you're hella hot.~


Error: Um... so... uh... *looks at note cards* Do your legs hurt 'cus you've bean- *drops the cards* Oh shit. Fuck. Sorry. Sorry your just so pretty. Shit sorry.

Passive: I'm so gonna fuck you.

Error: I um... I don't have a card for t-that.


Killer: You look nice today.

Dream: I'm a boy.

Killer: You look nice today sir.


Nightmare: There are no prints on the box, no DNA evidence and the camera in the kitchen was turned off. Which means whoever stole the pie had to think this through. Which means...

Cross: That it wasn't Horror and Killer.

Nightmare: Exactly.

*Horror and Killer high five and leave.*


Kidnappers: We have your son.

Error: I don't have a son.

Kidnappers: Then who's been singing Toxic on loop for 4 hours?

Error: Oh god they have Lust!

Kidnappers: Please come and get him we can't take it anymore.


Passive: Everyone hates me.

Dream: I don't hate you.

Passive: No you don't. Everyone quite literally hates me.

Dream: ......

*Dream throws a lamp at Passive.*



*Error choking on something*

Nightmare: Jeez Error don't die on me please!

Error: Don't tell me what to do! I die whenever the fuck I want!


*Blue on top of Dust holding him down*

Blue: You're defeated.

Dust: You forgot about my special weapon. It can only be defused by kissing me on the lips.

Blue: ..........

Blue: If you wanted a kiss you could have just asked. You didn't gave to try and kill me for it.



( That's all I've got for today. Bye~)

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