Cruise Time: The Ballroom

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You twirled down the narrow cruise ship hallway, your hand tightly in the grasp of Leo. "This is gonna be amazing," you chirped. He smiled and pointed to the entrance. Your mouth gaped and excitement flooded your veins. "Let's go!," you dragged him through the doors. Before you stood a beautiful ballroom with gleaming lights hung from chandeliers and decor with such elegance that it took your breath away. You looked at Leo with a wide smile and took his hand. You both slowly walked onto the dance floor and joined in on a couples dance. Leo gently placed one hand on your waist and another on your shoulder. You wrapped both your arms around his neck and let the rhythm take you. You spun and swayed with the music, your eyes shining as they stared into the eyes of your boyfriend. Leo seemed happier than he's ever seemed before. "This is the best," you said. He picked you up and spun you around. "Only because I'm with you," he finished your sentence. You smiled and blushed as you just took in the scene. It was like a fairy tale, and who other to spend a fairy tale with than your handsome prince.

You and Raph awkwardly walked into the ballroom, neither of you sure what to do. You spotted Leo and his girlfriend dancing it up out there, but you still felt slightly nervous about joining in. Raph looked nervous as well, but he hid it behind a confident smile. However, you knew him well enough by now to know that he wasn't so confident at the moment. With a sigh, you slid your hand into his and pulled him onto the dance floor. "We'll never get over it unless we just do it," you said firmly yet cheerfully. He smiled and quickly nodded. Once you'd found a good spot to dance in, you put your hands on Raph's shoulders. He seemed a little confused, so he put his hands on your shoulders. "No no, your hands go on my waist," you instructed with a giggle. He raised an eyebrow with an authentic Raph smirk, "Oh. I like that better." He roughly put both hands on your waist, giving you shivers down your spine. You both swayed with the music, completely drowning in the soft rhythm, hypnotized by each others eyes. "Wow," Raph said, his voice cracking adorably. "W-What," you said with a smile. "Nothing...sometimes you're just so amazing that all I can say is wow," he replied, his eyes still wide with wonder. You blushed deeply. You're amazing too Raphie. You pulled him into a kiss and he immediately kissed back. As if by instinct, he wrapped his arms tightly around you and pulled you close. The whole crowd seemed to smile and a few sounds of adoration could be heard from them. You closed your eyes and fell into his embrace. Not bad for your first ballroom experience?

Donnie carried you bridal style into the ballroom. He insisted. You giggled as he pecked your cheek lightly and set you down. "Soo how do we do this?," you asked, obviously clueless about ballroom dancing. He smirked and pulled you with him onto the dance floor. "Allow me to be the badass for once," he said mischievously. Your eyes widened and Donnie put one hand on your shoulder and the other on your waist. You put your hands on his shoulders nervously. He knew how to ballroom dance? He lead the moves and you gave into his lead. He spun you and basically danced like a pro. You were nothing less than enchanted. "I did a course online," he said happily, slightly returning to his adorably goofy self. You giggled and pulled him into a quick kiss. He had a wide smile on his face as you pulled away. "Heh heh. I love you," he said in a squeak.

You and Mikey rushed into the ballroom, feeling like you were late. Everyone was already sitting down eating finger foods as they recovered from about 2 hours of endless dancing. You were late because you wanted to watch Cinderella with Mikey before you left. "Aww, the dancing is over," you said sadly. Mikey saw the frown on your face and immediately wanted to make you happy. So, he gently grabbed your hand and dragged you to the middle of the empty dance floor. The whole room stared at you, along with the band that had ceased playing a while ago. Mikey put his hands on your waist and you put yours on his shoulders, your eyes wide and your mouth gaping. He started to dance with you, without any music. A smile slowly formed onto your face and you started to dance with him. Despite the hundreds of eyes staring at you, the only eyes that mattered were Mikey's. He smiled brightly as he saw a smile return to your face. Suddenly, the band began to play again as you and Mikey spun in the middle of the ballroom. Everyone started to get up to join you two. You giggled as Mikey picked you up and just held you in the air. "I looooovvvveeee this giiiirlllll!," he exclaimed.

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