His nightmares: Donatello

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Donnie and you were working away in the lab. Well, Donnie was working away. Ever since the whole boyfriend thing, he wouldn't let you go near anything even relatively dangerous (he made you eat spaghetti with a spoon!). He wanted to be completely sure that that stuff had worn off, even though it was it had been a week since it had happened! You sighed and played with your hair as you watch Donnie, who was clearly getting sleepy, tinker with a small robot prototype. "Hey Don, you look kind of beat. Do you want me to help?," you asked. He sighed and smiled a little. "I'm fine honey. You just keep....playing with your hair," he replied. You groaned. "I'm...gonna go to the kitchen to get something to eat," you said as you got up. Donnie looked worried now. "No forks!," he called to you, but you just giggled as walked away. While you were gone, Donnie eventually fell asleep and, unfortunately, began to have a nightmare.

Donnie was at the same party you and him crashed last week. It had the same crowded and sweaty atmosphere. He was there once again because he was searching for you. The reasons why you had gone were vague, but he just knew he had to find you. However, it wasn't as much as a happy moment as he expected when he did. Blocked by several dancing people, Donnie could see your ex-boyfriend sitting next to you on that couch, playing with your hair. You flirtatiously giggled and but your lip as Donnie watched in shock and sorrow. He tried to push past some people, but for some reason he couldn't make it to you two. Suddenly, your ex gently grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you into a kiss. The kiss slowly turned into a makeout and Donnie couldn't do anything to stop it. Then, he saw your ex's hand inching it's way towards your butt. Dream Donnie was overwhelmed with anger, and stampeded towards him. However, before he could get his hands on him, he awoke.

"Ahh!," Donnie yelped as he jolted up quickly and fell out of his chair. You heard the noise and came running in, a fork in your hand. You figured that if someone was in there, you'd need a weapon of some kind. "Donnie!," you yelled as you fell to the ground next to him. You cupped his face in your hands and looked into his eyes. "You ok?," you asked, now realizing how weird and 'overprotective girlfriendy' this was. You let him go and back away slightly, only to be pulled back in by Donnie. He held you close in a gentle hug and sniffled. "I'm fine, just...no forks?," he said, not exactly wanting to share his feelings at the moment. You pulled out of the hug and looked at him with concern. "Ok...tell me everything," you said with a raised eyebrow.

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