Romatic Vacation: Leo

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You held your tickets close to your heart as you raced to the lair, still in shock from the fact that you'd won a trip for two to Greece! Just imagine it, GREECE! Think of all the amazingly romantic things you could do with Leo in Greece! You let out a girly yelp and entered the lair. "Leo! Leoooooo!," you screamed. Leo, being himself, came running in completely freaked out. "(Y/n)! Baby are you ok?!," he said as he rushed to you and grabbed your shoulders. You were almost too excited to speak. "Look!," you yelped as you showed him the tickets. "Greece? Wait. GREECE! You got tickets for a round trip to Greece!," he said excitedly. You were both jumping up and down in unison. "Yes! Yes!," you said happily, "Who's the greatest girlfriend in the world?" He smiled wide. "You!," he replied as he picked you up and spun you in the air. "We leave tomorrow," you said. Leo paused and his smile faded. "Tomorrow? (Y/n)...I can't just leave and-," he said, but you interrupted him. "Oh yeah. What was I thinking. It's ok, I didn't want to go to Greece that bad," you said with a sniffle. Leo looked at you sadly. "I'm gonna go not look up pictures of Greece and cry in my room," you said, turning away. However, before you could get very far Leo gently grasped your arm. You turned back to him, your eyes wide. "I'll ask Master Splinter," he said with a sigh. Your face lit up and you pulled him into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!," you said quickly, then ran to your room to look up things to do in Greece.
You happily ran through the lair, luggage in hand. Master Splinter not only agreed to let you and Leo go, he encouraged it! He figured that Leo could use a break from being leader for a while. So, you waited at the lair's exit for Leo. "Ok. Bandaids, check! First aid kit, check! Portable DVD player, check!," you heard coming from a what looked like a pile of walking luggage. Behind that luggage was none other than your boyfriend. "Leo what are you doing?," you asked with a giggle. "Being prepared," he replied. You rolled your eyes and took some of the bags away from him for you to carry. "To the airport," you said with a smile. "To the airport!," he repeated.
At the airport, you and Leo had finally gotten through security and dropped off your luggage. Now all that was left was to find your flight! "The lady said down the hall and to the left," you said frantically. "She said right!," Leo corrected you. "Flight number 184 will be departing in exactly 15 minutes," a loud speaker spoke dryly. "15 minutes?!," you yelped. "Don't worry we'll find it!," Leo comforted you, but in a frantic way that made you panic more. "Wait. Is that it right their?," you asked with a raised eyebrow. Leo's face lit up as he realized that you were right. "Yes! The greatest girlfriend in the world strikes again!," he said happily as he grabbed your hand and dragged you with him to the gate. You gave the attendant your tickets in return for a warm smile and entrance to your flight. You and Leo jumped happily and boarded your flight. You searched for your seats together. "There," you said as you pointed to a pair of seats towards the back of the plane. Leo followed you until you got to the row. "You want the window seat?," he asked politely. You smiled and nodded as he gestured for you to sit (such a gentleman). You took your seat and he sat right next to you. "I can't wait to get to Greece," he whispered with happiness. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder.
After a long flight you and Leo finally made it to Greece! You got off the flight, retrieved your luggage, and headed out of the airport. To your surprise, a limousine was waiting right outside next to a man holding a sign that said, "(Y/n) and Leonardo". You looked at Leo as he chuckled. "I just wanted to see your face," he said. You smiled and hugged him tightly. "Welcome to Greece," the driver said as he took your luggage. "Thank you!," you said happily. He smiled and opened the door for you and your boyfriend. You both got into the limo and looked out the windows. "I can't believe we're actually here," you said in awe. Leo looked just as amazed as you.
The limo driver brought you to your hotel where you and Leo dropped off your stuff and got settled in. After you were unpacked, you walked into the little kitchen in the room to see Leo looking through a little pamphlet. "There's so much to do here," he said happily, "What do you want to do first?" You smiled and took the pamphlet from his hands. "I had something in mind," you said with a raised eyebrow.
You led a blindfolded Leo to the balcony of beautiful Greek restaurant. The white marble balcony was lined with grape vines as cheerful music played. The smell of roses lingered in the air. "Where are we?," he asked curiously. You helped him into his seat and sat down across from him. "Blindfold off," you said with a smile. He took off the blindfold and looked around, amazed. "It''s beautiful," he said, his mouth gaping. "Mmhm," you said, sounding satisfied. A waitress approached your table and gently placed two menus on the table. "Welcome. Can I start you off with a drink?," she said, showing a light and elegant accent. "Water would be-," you started. "Your finest wine, please," Leo interrupted. The last smiled at you and then walked away. You looked at Leo weird. "Only the best you you, my love," he said with a smile. You couldn't help but blush. The lady quickly returned and placed two glasses on the table. Another man followed her and filled up your glasses with a smile. "Enjoy," he said. You gently picked up the glass, and so did Leo. You and him locked eye contact as you clinked your glasses together. "A toast to-," he said. "True love," you interrupted. He smiled and you both brought the glasses to your lips. You sipped, and a delightful taste of sweet and sour pleasure bombarded your taste buds. Now you understood the saying, like fine wine.

*Hey guys! So I'm probably gonna have to publish these chapters all at separate times since they, as you can see, are pretty long. I hope you liked it though! I had so much fun writing this one and I can't wait to get started on the rest! Stay beautiful my readers!


TMNT Boyfriend Scenarios!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon