First Date: Michaelangelo

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As you wait on your balcony, you notice a little moth fluttering around by light. Suddenly, the moth hits the light and goes tumbling down. You gasp. Poor moth. You see it get a wing caught on a balcony railing just below you, so you think of how you can help. You, without thinking of course, climb over the railing of your balcony and want to attempt to jump to the other balcony. Before you can even position yourself, you slip. However instead of falling forward a few feet onto a hard metal balcony, you fall forward a few inches and land on Mikey. "Woah what are you doing? I get that doing ninja moves is totally awesome but you might need a little more training," he says. You smile. "I was gonna try and rescue a moth," you say, a little embarrassed. His eyes widen. He picks you up and places you back on your balcony. "Moth in trouble! Where," he asks frantically. "Down there! On that balcony railing," you say, trying to sound official. He giggles and swings down to the balcony. With his fingernail he gently nudges the moth's wing, freeing it. He looks up at you. "Mission accomplished," he says. "Great job," you say. He swings back up to your balcony and looks at you. "That was awesome dude! We totally made a great team," he says happily. You blush a little. "Yeah we did," you say. He's blushing now. "Oh ok! So I brought this board game! It's so fun and its great for making you not super bored," he says holding up a Chutes and Ladders board game set. You smile. "That's my favorite board game! Lets play," you say jumping up and down like a little girl. He gently grabs your waist and flips up to the rooftop. You smile. He quickly opens up the set. You plop next to him. "Ready to have your butt kicked at Chutes and Ladders?," you ask, cocking an eyebrow. He smiles. "We'll see about that," he says happily.

After a long board game tournament, you finally win! You get up and do a little happy dance. Mikey starts blushing like crazy. "Wow! You're a great dancer," he says. "Thanks," you say, still doing your little dance. Then, he gets up and starts dancing with you. You giggle as he tries to perfect your moves. He laughs out loud. "Hey Mikey," you say, "Rematch?" He smiles. "You're on, dude," he says as he sits down next to the board game. You let out a really goofy smile and sit next to Mikey for another round of Chutes and Ladders.

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