When you're scared: Raphael

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You and Raph were walking home from some crime fighting. You both were a little bruised up, but overall you were alright. You looked around as you walked into a really freaky looking part of the city. You checked your phone and saw that it was 1:00 in the morning. You'd been in shady neighborhoods before, but never one like this. Raph didn't seem at all uncomfortable. Of course, a giant ninja mutant would probably scare off anything that could come out of the darkness. But a little weak looking teen girl who's still learning how to fight like a ninja, not so much. You moved closer to Raph. He didn't seem to notice. How was he not the slightest bit scared? You grabbed his arm and nudged as close to him as you could. He looked at you. "What's up (Y/n)?," he asked, a little concerned. Suddenly, you heard something rustle in a dark alley. "N-Nothing," you say as you squeeze his arm tighter. He smirks. "Don't tell me you're scared," he says. You were still distracted from the noises coming from the darkness. "I'm n-not scared," you reply. He chuckles. Then, you think you see something move. "Ah! I'm scared! Raph something moved over there!," you yell. He wraps his arm around you and you wrap your arms around his waist. "Nothing's gonna get you, (Y/n). Not while I'm here," he says. You look up at him. "I'll protect you. I promise," he says. You smile and remove your arms from his waist. He keeps his arm around you, though. When you finally reach the lair, Raph smirks at you. "I wasn't scared," you say. "Whatever you say," he replies with a chuckle. "Really I wasn't," you say, trying to hide the fact that you were terrified back there. He sighs. "Well I was scared," he says. "You were what?," you say, shocked. "I was scared. I was in a freaky neighborhood with my girlfriend and I was all beat up from fighting. If I couldn't fight that well someone could've taken you from me. That...scares me," he says, blushing a little. "Aww Raph," you say. Then you kiss his cheek, making him blush more. "I love you, you know that right," he says. "Yeah I know," you reply.

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