Asking you out: Raphael

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You were out with some friends. You all were coming back from this teen club, and your friends all wanted to go out to eat. However, you were tired. So you decided to head home. You walked a few blocks before finally reaching your house. Suddenly, a hand was put over your mouth and you were pulled into an alley. You kicked a little, but just as you were about to punch the guy in the face, he spoke. "Relax! Relax! It's me," he said. Raph. "What the shell, Raph?! You scared me," you yelled. He smirked. "I thought it would be romantic," he said, blushing. "Yes because kidnapping is romantic," you say sarcastically, "Wait. Romantic?" He blushes a little more. "What's goin' on Raph," you say, suspiciously. He smiled and took your hand. You looked strait into his eyes. "I know we've only been hanging out for a while but I really like you and I want to make you mine, (Y/n)," he said. You seemed shocked. This didn't sound like Raph. "Dang," he said, "I saw that in a movie." You giggle a little. Then, he lets go of your hand. "S....sorry....I'll just....go," he mumbles. "No! Wait! Wait!," you say, "That was adorable. But if your gonna ask me out, ask me out as Raphael." He smiles. "And how would Raphael ask you out," he asks. You shrug, your cheeks turning pink. "I don't know, maybe....grabbing my shoulders and yelling 'BE MY GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE I LIKE YOU AND YOU LIKE ME!' or something like that,"
you say. He giggles. Then, he grabs your shoulders and yells, "BE MY GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE I LIKE YOU AND YOU LIKE ME!" You smile. "That's more like it," you say, "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" He smiles and does a little happy jump. Then, he puts an arm around your waist and pulls you up to your balcony. You smile at him. "So.....would my boyfriend like to come in and watch some movies for a while?," you ask. He blushes at the word 'boyfriend'. "Yes. Yes he would......girlfriend," he replies.

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