Halloween!: Michaelangelo

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You and Mikey were so happy about getting everyone to dress up Disney for Halloween! You and him bought your costumes weeks ago! You were so excited! You changed quickly into your Minnie Mouse costume, and Mikey did the same with his Mickey costume. "I'm....Mikey Mouse!," he yelped, feeling really clever. You chuckled and fixed his mouse ears. "I can't wait for that candy!," he cried, hugging you. "Me either!," you replied happily. He picked you up and spun you in circles. "Time for some Halloween bruh!," he said as he set you down. "To the candy!," you replied.

You two were bosses at trick or treating! You must've hit 10 houses every minute! Your bags got heavier and heavier, but eating some of the candy lightened the load. Plus, both of you were on sugar rushes, so you felt like you could pick up a 100 pound dumbbell! You and your Mikey ran around happily collecting more and more candy until....you spotted a party! "Oh my gosh dudette! It's a party! I've always wanted to go to a party!," he yelped. You smiled and nodded, giving him and yourself permission to run up to the door. The music was so loud you could hear it for miles! You rang the doorbell vigorously until your friend opened it. "Woooahhh! I thought you'd never show up!," she cheered, letting you and Mikey in. "Party time?," he asked, with a huge smile on his face. "Party time!!!," you replied, jumping up and down happily.

*Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I had total writers block! However, what better place to find inspiration that Halloween!!! So, the next chapter will be at the party! It's gonna be awesome, although I might put a little drama in there (insert evil smirk here). Love you guys! Stay beautiful!


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