When you accidentally hurt him: Michaelangelo

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Mikey had been acting weird lately. He was always so distant and left the lair quite often. You didn't mind it at first, I mean, he can have somewhat of a life without you by his side all the time. But it started to get irritating. He NEVER spent any time with anymore! He would just leave and not even invite you to come with him! You were trying not to be an overprotective girlfriend, but you just had to find out where exactly he was going. So, you just waited patiently until he decided to leave again. You quietly followed him throughout the sewers and up to the surface. He used his human necklace and then headed to the skatepark. You stayed close behind, but lost him once you got there. However, you soon found him, talking to some blonde haired girl! You could only see her from the back, but she seemed like she was pretty. Not prettier than you, but pretty. You just watched as they laughed and chatted about who knows what. Then you noticed something that made you lose it. Mikey wasn't using the skateboard which clearly indicated that he had a girlfriend! You angrily stomped up to the top of the half pipe and, ignoring the girl completely, started yelling at Mikey. "Mikey! What are you doing here! With her!," you yelled as you gestured to the girl, who you still didn't actually look at. Mikey put his hands up innocently. "Dudette I wasn't-," he squeaked. "Oh my god Michaelangelo I thought you were better than this! I thought you were different! I thought you were special!," you screamed. "D-Dudette I-," he said, his eyes filling with tears. "I loved you Mikey," you said, tears threatening your eyes as you looked at the ground. "Loved?," he asked, his voice cracking. You shot your head up. "Yes 'loved'. Now I- N-Now- I...I never want to see you again!," you yelled, tears gently starting to fall. At that, Mikey burst into tears and ran off. You just stared as he ran, crying harder now. Then, you finally looked at the girl and realized....it was a boy! He just had long hair! "That was harsh, dude," he said softly, walking away. You looked back at the direction Mikey ran off in, hoping you could catch up and apologize, but he was already gone.

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