When he pranks you: Donatello

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You were out with your friends a lot lately. Donnie was starting to feel ignored. So, he came up with a plan. He called your phone. You answered it and heard what sounded like Shredder. "(Y/n)! Shredder! Help!," Donnie yelled into the phone. You ditched your friends and rushed to the lair. You ran into the lab and saw smashed test tubes and Donnie laying on the floor motionless. You fell to your knees next to him. "Donnie! What happened?! Say something," you yelled as you lifted him a little. He didn't respond. "D-Donnie!," you yell again, now bawling your eyes out. "No! Donnie I need you! I need you! Please stay with me!," you squeak, now hugging him. "I'll do anything Donatello just wake up," you say. "Even bake me cookies?," he says. You release him from the hug and glare at him. "Donnie! You're alive?!," you say. He puts a hand on your shoulder. "You were ignoring me," he says with a smirk. For a moment, you're really angry. Then, the word 'revenge' pops into your mind and the anger goes away. "Sorry Donnie, I was ignoring you," you say almost too happily, "I guess I'll go bake some cookies."

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