When you're insecure: Michaelangelo

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You ran into the lair, sat on the couch and burst into tears. Some girl in school told you that you were (insecurity), and you ran away from her crying. Now, the whole school was gossiping about you! You didn't care about the gossip so much as what she said. You grabbed a pillow and cried into it. Suddenly, Mikey heard you and ran to your side. "(Y/n)! What's the matter dudette?!," he asked frantically. You dropped the pillow and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around you. "Mikey! I'm (insecurity) and there's nothing I can do about it!," you said through tears. He gasped and nearly fainted from hearing you say such a thing. "(Y/n) why would you say that?!," he said, "You are perfect and beautiful and perfect! Why would you think you're (insecurity)?!" You looked at him. "This girl! She told me I was (insecurity)! Now the whole school is talking about me cuz I ran away crying! Mikey I'm just so afraid that she's right about me," you say frantically. He kisses you. "(Y/n), dudette, she's not right. She's so not right. You, my lady, are so perfect that...that...you are so perfect I can't even finish my sentence!," he says. You smile. "Really," you ask. He's crying a little now. "Of course," he says, "Dudette, don't let anyone make you feel insecure because they are probably just jealous of you." You hug him again. "T...thanks dude," you say. "I love you so much my perfect, beautiful lady," he says.

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