Adorable Jealousy: Donatello

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You're doing some homework when your best friend calls you. You answer and you guys start talking. Then, Donnie lands on your balcony. He could hear you through the glass, so he starts listening. You put your friend on speaker so you can do your homework while you talk. "Oh my gosh, gurl! How hot is he?," your phone says. "Sooo hot! Oh my gosh! Soooo hot you would not believe me if I tried to explain!," you say. Donnie gasps and immediately wants to know who you're talking about. "Is he, like, smart?," the phone says. "So smart," you say. You both giggle and basically fan girl over who your talking about. "Tall?." "Adorably tall!!!" "Good kisser?" "Such a good kisser!" Donnie stands helplessly outside, almost in tears because he thinks your cheating on him. He knocks on the glass, now. You immediately tell your friend bye and open the door. "Hey baby," you say, "Oh my gosh what's wrong?" He comes in and sits on your bed. "You'd on me would you?," he asks. You stare at him for a second, confused. Then you understand him. "Were you listening to my conversation, Donnie," you ask. He nods sadly. "Donnie, I was talking about you! Didn't you hear the beginning of the conversation? She asked me how my mysterious boyfriend was doing and what he was like," you say. His face lights up. "Really?," he asks. You nod happily. "I could never cheat on you Donnie. I love you," you say. He smiles. "Good because...I love you too." Then you guys kiss.

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