joey's crystal themed birthday!

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*Daniel, Maria and the kids make Joey feel special on his birthday. Thank you to JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree!

Today is Joey's birthday!

Right now, Daniel, Maria and some of the kids are decorating the house for Joey's birthday party!

The stay at home order has lifted where the Graceffa-Preda's live, however, Daniel and Joey still want to be cautious and stay safe. So this year, Joey's birthday will just be family only.

Daniel and Maria are both setting up the birthday party balloons while Everett, Luna, Maxwell and Haven are setting up the sweets table with the cupcakes, cookies and cake pops that Daniel custom ordered just for Joey's birthday.

Ash is happily playing in his playpen and Aspen is upstairs helping Eden and River get dressed for the day!

Ash is happily playing in his playpen and Aspen is upstairs helping Eden and River get dressed for the day!

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*The sweet table*

"I want that cake pop right there!" Maxwell says to Haven, Luna and Everett.

"I want a cookie!" Luna says happily.

"I want all of the sweets!" Everett says as he giggles and smiles at Luna.

"We can't eat anything yet!" Haven says as she smacks Maxwell's hand.

"Who said so?" Maxwell says to Haven with sass

"Nonna did! Nonna! Maxwell is trying to eat a cake pop!" Haven says as she yells for Maria.

"Haven is a tattle tale! So lame! But she smacked my arm!" Maxwell says as he gets frustrated.

Maria walks over and crosses her arms at Everett, Maxwell, Haven and Luna.

"There is no fighting today. Today is a special day." Maria says in her thick Romanian accent.

"Sorry, Nonna." Haven and Maxwell both say in unison to Maria and Maria smiles at the both of them.

"That's better and sweet table looks great, you four! Now go and play until Daddy's birthday party starts in a little bit!" Maria says happily to Everett, Maxwell, Haven and Luna.

"Okay, Nonna!" Everett, Maxwell, Haven and Luna all say in unison as they all happily run in the playroom to play!

Aspen walks downstairs, holding River and Eden's hands happily.

"Hi, Nonna! Where is Daddy and Papa?" Aspen asks Maria with a grin.

"I am right here!" Daniel says with a big smile at Aspen, River and Eden.

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