snapchats #10

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*Very cute Snapchats from Joey and Daniel! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💋

These snaps are from Joey's account! 🐽

*Picture of Joey and Daniel kissing at midnight*
- Happy New Year! 🎉🎊

*Aspen, Everett and Maxwell wearing party hats*
- Three of our kiddos made it to 12am! 👱🏼‍♀️🧒🏻🧒🏻

*Picture of Aspen holding the baby kitten*
- Daniel and the kids found a kitten on their way home from their walk 🐱

*Video of Joey feeding the kitten a small bottle*
Aspen: "Daddy is feeding the kitten a tiny bottle! So cute!"
Joey: "Yeah! She was a very hungry kitten!"
Everett: "It's a boy kitten, Daddy!"
Joey: "Oops! He was hungry!"
- Feeding the baby kitten 🍼🐱

*Picture of Joey holding the kitten as Daniel drives*
- We are taking the kitten to her forever home ❤️

*Picture of Everett and Maxwell playing with their Harry Potter wands Nicole got them*
- My little wizards 🧒🏻🧒🏻

*Picture of Joey laying on the couch with a blanket covering up his mouth*
- I have thrush again 😤😭

*Video of Eden rolling around on the floor*
Joey: "Look at you rolling around, Edie! You are a rolie polie!"
Eden giggles at Joey
- Eden is on the move! 👶🏻

*Video of Haven drawing a picture*
Joey: "What are you drawing, Havey?"
Haven: "I'm drawing our family! Here's you, Papa, Nonna, Aspen, me, River, Luna, Everett, Eden and Maxwell! I need to draw Wolf, Storm and Lark!"
Joey: "Very cute family picture! I love it.
- Haven is drawing family pictures 💗

*Picture of Wolf, Storm and Lark sitting with River who is dressed like a chef*
- Chef River 👨🏻‍🍳

*Video of River cuddling with Joey on the couch*
River looks at the camera and then hides his face
Joey: "River went to the doctor today and was such a big boy. Weren't you? But he has an earache and his ear really hurts."
Joey frowns
- River cuddles 🧡

*Video of Eden and Rosie sitting together on the floor*
Daniel: "Look at these besties! Eden and Rosie!"
Ryland: "They get along great! I love it!"
Rosie: "Ba ba ba ba!"
Eden: "Ba ba ba ba!"
- YouTube baby playdate! 👶🏻👶🏼

*Video of Aspen doing a vault*
Aspen runs and does her vault and lands it
Joey cheers loudly
Joey: "Great job, Aspen! Great vault!"
Aspen smiles as she takes her grips off
- Vault Queen! 👱🏼‍♀️😍🤸🏼‍♀️

*Picture of Luna with lipsticks all over her lips and on her chin*
- Luna loves Miranda Sings lipstick! 💋💄

*Picture of Daniel smiling at Joey*
- My handsome date tonight 💚

*Picture of Joey holding up his game controller*
- Filming more gaming videos! 👾🎧🎮

*Video of Eden cooing at Wolf*
- She loves to talk with Wolfy 🥰

*Video of Daniel styling Aspen's hair*
Daniel: "Is it too tight?"
Aspen: "No, Papa!"
Daniel: "Okay, just making sure!"
- Daniel is a hairstylist now 👱🏼‍♀️

*Picture of Wolf, Storm and Lark cuddling on the floor*
- 🐶🐶🐶 cuddles 😚

*Picture of Eden sitting at the doctor's office playing with the tissue paper*
- Nine months old 💞

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