eden chokes!

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*Eden chokes on a piece of a hot dog and Daniel saves her life. Thank you to my bff JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 🌭*

River and Eden are happily eating hotdogs in the dining room together while Daniel, Ash and Joey are in the living room cleaning up rabbit poop from Aspen's rabbit Cocoa. Cocoa was in the living room last night playing with the kids.

"I can't believe a rabbit poops that much! There was literally 1000 rabbit turds everywhere." Daniel says to Joey, making Joey chuckle as he helps Daniel clean up.

River is chewing and Eden takes a bite of her hotdog and it gets stuck in her throat. Eden begins to panic and River notices it right away.

"Eden? Are you otay?" River asks Eden in a worried tone.

When Eden doesn't respond, River begins to panic.

"PAPA! DADDY! HELP! HELP!" River yells as he runs into the living room where Daniel and Joey are.

"What's wrong, River? What is it?" Daniel asks River as he looks at his and Joey's three year old.

"Eden can't talk, Papa and Daddy!" River says as he holds up his hands by his throat like Eden is.

Daniel then realizes it is every parents fear is coming true. Eden is choking.

Daniel darts out of the living room and runs into the dining room where Eden is still sitting. 

"JOEY! CALL 911! EDEN IS CHOKING!" Daniel says as he picks up Eden and begins to do back blows on Eden's back, trying to get the piece of hotdog up.

Joey screams and then begins to frantically call 911.

Eden gasps for air and finally the piece of hotdog flies out of her throat. Eden gasps for more air, breathes and begins to scream and cry.

"It's okay baby! It's okay, baby girl! You are all better now! Papa has you now! Papa has you! Just keep breathing, baby girl!" Daniel says as he kisses Eden and holds her tightly in his arms.

Eden clings to Daniel and continues to cry loudly. River walks over and hugs Eden tightly too. River is so relieved that his little sister is better.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay, Eden." Daniel says as he kisses Eden.

Daniel then hugs and kisses River. Daniel is very proud of River!

"You did a great job by telling Daddy and I about Eden! You are such a good boy! Now, tell Daddy that Eden is breathing and is okay." Daniel says to River.

River runs over to where Joey is standing on his iPhone.

"Daddy! Eden is okay! She is brweathing!" River says to Joey as he hugs Joey's leg.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Joey says out loud before telling the 911 operator the news.

Joey then rushes over to where Daniel and Eden are and hugs them both tightly. Joey then hugs and kisses River.

"You are such a good boy, River! Such a very good boy!" Joey says to River.

"Daniel, the paramedics are on the way to see Eden." Joey says to Daniel.

"Okay! Eden needs to be checked out by a doctor just to make sure she is okay. I had to hit her back really hard. I'll call Will and RJ so they can pick up River and we can just take Ash to the hospital with us." Daniel says to Joey.

"Let me get Ash in his car seat and his diaper bag ready." Joey says as he kisses Eden, River and Daniel before he leaves the dining room.

Paramedics show up at the Graceffa-Preda house a few minutes later and Joey, Ash and Eden ride in the ambulance together while Daniel waits for Will to pick up River.

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