fostering sakura!

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*Joey and Daniel decide to foster a cat during quarantine! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️*

Today is going to be an extremely special day in the Graceffa-Preda family!

Today, Daniel and Joey are both going to pick up a cat that they will foster during the quarantine process!

Joey and Daniel are currently headed to pick up a black pregnant cat that they will be fostering for the next few weeks!

Joey sets up the vlogging camera on the car dash and he begins to vlog himself and Daniel sitting together in the car!

"Ahhh, good day everyone! And welcome to today's video! Today, Daniel and I are going to pick up a cat that we will foster for a few weeks!" Joey says with a big cheeky smile.

"We are fucking crazy!" Daniel says with sass, making Joey laugh loudly.

"So Daniel, can you please tell everyone the little back story about how we even found out about this cat and why we are doing this?" Joey asks Daniel softly as he holds Daniel's hand while Daniel drives.

"Sure! So my best friend and our filming assistant Oscar knows someone who is some fostering cats right now. She is fostering two cats right now actually and a huge problem came up. The huge problem is that she found out that both of the cats are pregnant and it is really hard having two pregnant animals at once and that would have meant like twenty kittens possibly!" Daniel explains to the vlogging camera.

"One animal being pregnant is hard enough! And a cat can have a ton of kittens!" Joey says as he and Daniel both giggle.

"It really is! Also, this girl is moving into a brand new place, so she was going to have to put this other cat into the shelter because she can't possibly move into a new place and have two cats that could go into the labor at the same time. That sounds really overwhelming! So then this cat's kittens will be born in the shelter and who knows what will happen to all them honestly. Also, most animal shelters in California have shut down and are euthanizing animals due to this Coronavirus pandemic." Daniel says and Joey nods.

"So Oscar called us a few day ago and asked if we could possibly foster a cat for a few weeks during this quarantine time in California because he knows we are cat experts." Joey says playfully to the vlogging camera as he and Daniel both giggle.

"Honestly we are dog, cat and rabbit experts at this point!" Daniel says to Joey and the vlogging camera with some sass.

"We have five cats as many of you know! We have Rowan, who we found outside and saved. We have Yarrow, who Daniel surprised me with and adopted at the animal shelter! Yarrow was pregnant when Daniel adopted her and he had no idea! And then Yarrow had three babies! Two boys Onyx and Bear and Maple is the girl!" Joey says happily to the vlogging camera.

"Oscar knows that the both of us know how to deal with animal births since we helped Lark and Yarrow give birth and this cat is pregnant as well. So Joey and I accepted the offer to foster this cat and help her." Daniel says as he smiles at Joey and Joey smiles back at Daniel.

"We felt so bad when we heard about her story! We wanted to rescue her and help her during this scary and scary time." Joey says to the vlogging camera.

"So right now we are going to head to Petsmart to get a few things for our foster kitty! A new litter box, new toys, and new cat food. We don't wanna make her share with other cats she doesn't know. We want her to feel comfortable and relaxed in our home." Daniel says to the vlogging camera.

"I am so so so excited! We have seen some pictures of her and we decided on a name for her to have while she is with us!" Joey says with a big cheeky grin at the vlogging camera and at Daniel.

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